alwaysprofit , Hi all others,
everyone here seems to be very satisfied about the resultt of this great piece of work - me too.
Till now I work with a fixed lot (0.15) while the Auto Lot would be (0.6). To be honest, to lower the risk and for a better Feeling
Maybe you are able to implement a factor in the settings of the EA to let the user decide which risk wants to take.
Actually the lot increases 0.01 every 200 units of Balance. I would be really happy to have the possibility to increase this number.
Thanks again for your great work and happy Profit to all....
Bullilulli No doubt 0.15 Fixed-Lot it's less Risky than 0.6 initial running on Autolotsizing...!!! But, consider one thing:
is this the real Logic behind any Martingale-System ??? >>> Nope! This is wrong, buddy! Sorry, to have to say that! Using a Fixed-Lot it's more risky, actually; Fixed-Lotsize is good for other Trading-Styles, as Following the trend with one order only ...
Then what's the sense of using the Lot-Multiplier in this context ???...
A lot of traders only know that using Martingale it's DANGEROUS because works different from other Strategies - opens orders AGAINST the trend. For sure it's better to use when the market is Ranging, not Trending - this doesn't mean to be flat - so, nobody can make any money!
Now, let me explain! I'll make you an Example: let's consider the trading pair
EurUsd; the Market is in a DOWN-Trend... and the
Price will "suffer" a significant fluctuation of
40 pips...
1 Standard-Lot [Value expressed in money] = 8,50 $ [0.0001 / 1.18000 * 100000]..... Let's see what's gonna happen in our both Situations......
Scenario 1 [...
Lot-Multiplier Sets]:
Max. Open Trades = 5; Dist./Step between Orders = 10 pips; Base-Lot = 0.05; Lot-Multiplier = 1.66; Auto-Lotsize = 0.0
The EA opens Order # 1 = BUY * 0.05 Lot... after 10 pips DOWN Order # 2 = BUY * 0.08 [0.05 * 1.66] ...and so on, it will open
All 5 Trades - Max. Allowed by Sets
Scenario 2 [...
Bullilulli - Sets]:
Max. Open Trades = 5; Dist./Step between Orders = 10 pips; Base-Lot = 0.15; Lot-Multiplier = 0.0; Auto-Lotsize = 0.0
The EA opens Order # 1 = BUY * 0.15 Lot... after 10 pips DOWN Order # 2 = BUY * 0.15 Lot ...and so on, it will open
All 5 Trades - Max. Allowed by Sets
OK! What now ??? If the Market still goes DOWN and we don't have enough Equity, we're f**ked up in both cases.... This is the RISK of using Martingale and we ALL must be conscious of collateral consequences... But, mostlikely, the
alwaysprofit Smart-Filters will work for US and not against; so, after 40 pips Down, probably the Market 'll be in OverSold and ready to bounce back in UP-Trend....
But, let's analyse a bit the situation of our Opened Orders right here, after 40 "Red-Pips"... because it's here the KEY of the Martingale & the use of the Lot-Multiplier...
Scenario 1: Order # 1 >
0.05 Lot * (-)40 pips = - 2.0 Lots [ - 17,0 $] ... (-2.0 Lots * 8,50 $)
Order # 2 >
0.08 Lot * (-)30 pips = - 2.4 Lots [ - 20,4 $] ... (-2.4 Lots * 8,50 $)
........................and so on!........for all 5 Orders.........
Scenario 2: Order # 1 >
0.15 Lot * (-)40 pips = - 6.0 Lots [ - 51,0 $] ... (-6.0 Lots * 8,50 $)
Order # 2 >
0.15 Lot * (-)30 pips = - 4.5 Lots [ - 38,25 $] ... (-4.5 Lots * 8,50 $)
........................and so on!........for all 5 Orders.........
As we can see, at the same Distance in Pips far from the
Order # 1 [...the First Opened Order in our sequence] - the use of the Fixed-Lot "produced" a biggest negativity/loss in our Account Equity... Just compare the relative numbers above described:
-17,0 $ > -51,0 $; -20,4 $ > -38,25 $....
And this is not all !!! In
Scenario 1 ,
Order # 5 is
BUY * 0.38 Lot ...right ??? ...That means if the Price of
EurUsd moves UP just
+5.2 Pips, our Martingale with Lot-Multiplier has
Loss of
Order # 1 [...
0.38 Lots * (+)5.2 pips = + 2.0 Lots [ + 17,0 $] ... (+ 2.0 Lots * 8,50 $) ...and starts the RECOVER of the others still Negative Orders [...Order # 2....]... After 10 pips in UPward Order # 4 > BUY * 0.23 Lots turns Positive and helps recovering the losses and accumulating Profits ...and so on !!!!...
* This is the real purpose of the Martingale Trading Concept. Makes sense to you, isn't it ???
### In conclusion, instead of trading a Fixed-Lotsize, you should consider to "play" with the Inputs/Settings ...like Lot-Multiplier = 1.5 or 1.3 if it's too hard for you to keep the Default Set and make some Calculations for the the Base-LotSize accordingly to your Account Balance..... Hope my relation will open to you a different "optic" in setting/trading this kind of stuff......
Also, please, see the screenshot that i've uploaded here, to this post !!!
All the best !!!!!!