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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

EA Already Expired.... Tomorrow will not work...
EA Sudah Expired....Besok tidak bisa digunakan lagi....
Today i listing member who was already request for free 1 license account number and already follow test with prove ...
thank you guys for your time...
please be patient your EA will arrived in your email...
Saya udah kirim mulai jam 00.00 tgl 20/8/2017 kok blm ada balasan ya...hehehheh

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Permisi kang,
Hasil FT ane dari modal sisa 300 skrg menjadi 372 menggunakan EA Biawak versi 4.7 belum 1bln settingan default di GU sj..
Akun tes no : 5934613
Server : FBS-Real-5
Pass investor : f68rj2rh2
Sdh ane kirim email kang,mudah2an masih dpt licensi free nya,
Terima kasih.

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Saya sempat foward test EA Biawak (FT) 1 hari sebelum expired, memang mengkagumkan, pulanganya kira-kira 3.8% sehari atau 76%sebulan...Maximal DD hanya mencecah 0.3%!


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Hello everyone
Here is my review for buying the Biawak Predator. :ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok:
Biawak Predator can work well and is a very good system for me, and I believe in this system to make a profit for me. And I think it's safe because it has a news filtering function, which is important to keep you safe, and it works well with the system and has a stop function on Friday and can be set to range. working time It makes you safer. And an additional security function will be updated. Which is currently developing and will soon be seen.

For those who do not want to pay. I think you will get the money back from using your Predator.
You will receive support and assistance when problems arise. I think it is good and worth it.
And I think we should support creators.

And of course alwayprofit you trust him. When you buy, you get the item you bought. You do not have to believe me, but you can see with your own eyes.

I promise he did not give me money to write this review. But I'm willing to write this review myself.

Happy Profit :):):inlove:
Hello Everyone!
I agree with DoctorScot and today already purchased Business version. Alwayprofit must be motivated from all of us, who use his EA to work hard for the future for making this EA more and more profitable for us. I know some of people have not enough money to buy the license, but now Alwayprofit provide for all discount! Thank's for that bro! SHOW MUST GO ON!!!!!
This is my review for this thread:
its the best

Here My Test
Acc No :
Inv Pass :
Server :


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@ lia786 > You're welcome, anytime!... If i can give a hand... why not ?!?!?!?... We're still pretending to be humans....
Hello Everyone!
I agree with DoctorScot and today already purchased Business version. Alwayprofit must be motivated from all of us, who use his EA to work hard for the future for making this EA more and more profitable for us. I know some of people have not enough money to buy the license, but now Alwayprofit provide for all discount! Thank's for that bro! SHOW MUST GO ON!!!!!

@ tdeliev > You got right, pal! Everybody here around is suspicious and afraid just hearing the word "Marti" ...even if the proofs are overall positive! So, who's gonna make an Investment in this kind of "stuff" ?!?!?!?!?... The truth is that NOT everyday happens to find in the Fx Forums, softwares that really deserves to spend your time testing it. But, this time seems like our alwaysprofit just did it "in the big way"....

All my respect for your hard and responsable work !!!
EA Already Expired.... Tomorrow will not work...
EA Sudah Expired....Besok tidak bisa digunakan lagi....
Today i listing member who was already request for free 1 license account number and already follow test with prove ...
thank you guys for your time...
please be patient your EA will arrived in your email...

Hi mate, can you send me the life time license please.

Hi Everybody,,,
Please check email for those who have requests for free 1 license lifetime...
thank you...
dont forget if you have better setting from default...
please share here or to me...
thank you VM...
happy profits...
How do I receive the E A 1 life license
EA Already Expired.... Tomorrow will not work...
EA Sudah Expired....Besok tidak bisa digunakan lagi....
Today i listing member who was already request for free 1 license account number and already follow test with prove ...
thank you guys for your time...
please be patient your EA will arrived in your email...
Hi Everybody,,,
Please check email for those who have requests for free 1 license lifetime...
thank you...
dont forget if you have better setting from default...
please share here or to me...
thank you VM...
happy profits...
Hi m friend. Can you send me 1 EA license, please?
Hi Everybody,,,
Please check email for those who have requests for free 1 license lifetime...
thank you...
dont forget if you have better setting from default...
please share here or to me...
thank you VM...
happy profits...
I've got your email.. Thank you :)
Kang maaf ane blom dpt email blsannya ternyata td ane salah kirim emailnya krg 1huruf,
Mohon cek email kang..

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps