@ uchimi >>> My Dear, you missed my point!... The CORRECT Setup in your case is the VPS-2 [... Image 2] > VPS Time = Broker's Time. In both cases you'll see the SAME Info in the FFC Panel; the Difference is : in VPS-1 case, when the High-Impact-News will be released the EA will NOT "react" !!!... or probably it will open trades because of the Volatility... The EA will Stop/Start Trading Before/After News = 30min./60min. - but ONLY 2 hours LATER. The EA is running accordingly to the Broker's GMT - it acts as the Market moves - in real Time [...Broker's Time-Zone]
You'll say: why this ???.... Because the EA reads the News-Info from the FFC...xml - file [...as showed in the Panel] , but FFC displays the Info in the VPS Time, while the News Release occurs in the Broker's Time. So, a Difference of 2 hours between the VPS and Broker's GMT means real trouble; actually your trading it's "Off the rails"...
One more thing... Why have you attached the FFC-Indicator to the Chart ??? ...i know because i can see ALL the News displayed, not only the most important that the Expert takes into its "calculations"... You DON'T have to do that, buddy !!! ... ONLY the EA goes in the Chart - every single Chart you trade!
This morning in my Charts the FFC Info-Panel "disappeared" , but i know it's still there and working because i can see the Orange NUMBERS in the corner; so, it's all fine! Probably Monday i'll see it again....
So, let's recap your case: VPS-2 is your RIGHT GMT SetUp If you have the FFC.mq4 file [...NOT only .ex4 ...see Attached file], you could put it in the MQL4/Indicators - folder and Re-start your MT4 Terminal to compile it again - maybe this will change "something". If you see again the FFC message Error in the Experts-Tab, click F7 > then > OK and if there are the Orange-Numbers - as i said before - LET IT RUN !!!.... It's ALL OK !!!!
Hope this helps You !!!!!!!!!!
Best Things!
i cant enter and see the EA performance acces deniedUpdate :
Real since 21th june 2017 till today comment ....
Acc No : 9031976
Pass : hwf9784gy
Server : FBS-Real-9
Deposit : $860
Yesterday : $64
Total : $206
Please look at the image.
※Correct ?
Market - Watch in the MT 4 Terminal and to the VPS Time = Same
I did put it in the MQL 4 / Indicators - folder and Re-start my MT 4 Terminal to compiled it again
why you not read full my first post... i have already mention about FFC Can't set timer....Please look at the image.
※Correct ?
Market - Watch in the MT 4 Terminal and to the VPS Time = Same
I did put it in the MQL 4 / Indicators - folder and Re-start my MT 4 Terminal to compiled it again
why you not read full my first post... i have already mention about FFC Can't set timer....
yes correct.... but uchimi ..always asking for this below....He just synchronized the VPS Time Zone with the Broker's GMT, but he's worried about other thing: the FFC-Panel does NOT appear in the Chart !?!?!?!.... Today not even mine is visible, but the EA works fine.... That's all !!!!
Both, the same error appears.image)
VPS-1 Market-Watch in the MT 4 Terminal and to the VPS Time = Different
VPS 2 Market - Watch in the MT 4 Terminal and to the VPS Time = Same
Both, the same error appears.
2017.08.18 06: 53: 22.504 FFC GBPUSD, M1: can not set timer (3600)
yes correct.... but uchimi ..always asking for this below....
Both, the same error appears.
2017.08.18 06: 53: 22.504 FFC GBPUSD, M1: can not set timer (3600)
yess...correct...As i said, he's worried that the EA will not Filter the News. Also, he saw the FFC Error Messages in the Experts-Tab [...about that BUG!]...
Good Good Good GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood GoodGood Good . EA EXECELENT , I AM FRON BRAZIL
and actually FFC not displaying high event news on panel because this week not any high event news again for next....
BUBBY oh man how well you described things? even simple small things described in a way that it becomes complicated . plz do simple math just 1 2 3 in describing things.....................
otherwise nice stuff
just need to know... latest version V5.12....
bug FFC cant set timer...fixed...
Siap terimakasih bos heri saja, problem solved. ThanksWaktu broker agan dari gmt + brp??ntar samain aja jam broker ama jam di cpu agan....beresss
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