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New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

Hasil biawak di VPS...lumayan
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on CENT account JUSTFOREX margin hedge is very good, better than of FBS and ROBOFOREX
spread start from 0.3 point
if you love it you can test it
also STOP LEVEL is 0 pip, you have not any limitation for pending order
good luck

Review :

1. Condition :
Depo : Real 20 USD + 3 credit bonus
Broker : XM - Micro
VPS : yes

2. Setting : 2 Pair : EU & GU


3. Result 25% : July 26 - Aug 11 ( 2 weeks/ EA working period = 13 days )



4. Challenges :

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So many good review on this thread
still become good ea to making profit,
will good if also will keep update
This is my review for this thread:
Great EA. I hope it continues to be profitable. I have been testing it since the end of June. It is the only EA I am currently testing. Thank you.
Banyak review bagus, sepertinya harus meluangkan waktu untuk membaca dari hal pertama. jika dibandingkan dengan EA Tahan Banting / EA pips hunter ... kira2 gmn performancenya?
Hi, thanks you so much AlwaysProfit for that EA, just installed it and when I tried to backtest I had that error message :

2017.08.13 18:51:59.971 2017.08.10 16:36:31 Predator V4.7 GBPUSD,M1: OrderModify error 130

Is there something I did wrong?


Photo :

your pending order distance from price is smaller than your broker stop level
so you get this erorr
find your broker stop level for pending order
Hi, thanks you so much AlwaysProfit for that EA, just installed it and when I tried to backtest I had that error message :

2017.08.13 18:51:59.971 2017.08.10 16:36:31 Predator V4.7 GBPUSD,M1: OrderModify error 130

Is there something I did wrong?


Photo :

error code : 130 mean is... Invalid Stops.... you need to increase minimum trailingstart and trailingstop....
see details spesification pairs in your broker....