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New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

Udah op ternyata setting time nya salah di vps ane..kudu bener2 teliti...hehehhe

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Hati-hati gan harus teliti yah?
kalau seting time salah bisa jadi juga salah waktu ea mulai bekerja
pake ea ada enak ada susahnya kalau ane masih suka manual trading di akun mikro firewoodfx
dengan 10$ mau pake ea tapi belum coba
Hello Trader,

Please be participate to forward test my new EA (Updated) on different brokers ...new features and strategy...
basic trading style my EA is Martingale... but my EA place order waiting good signal...
here i attached latest forward test since 13th June 2017...till today result is good ..make profit more than 100% around 2weeks ...and Draw-Down under 15% ...

Requirement :
Start Balance : $200
Base Lot : 0.01
Timeframe : M1
Setting : Default Broker 5Digit

Please copy-paste Indicator FFC (for news filter) if you have before please Overwrite... and make sure name of indicator is "FFC" remove prefix or suffix from soehoe auto download...and don't attached.... it will be called automatic by EA...
allow dll import on global options... Tools > Options > Expert Advisor tab
Thank you... your feedback really-really appreciate ...

The clock(time) on your windows vps server should be showing actual time at timezone choosed... FFC will follow your local windows time...
refer this post ...for issue clock time in VPS
Biawak Predator V-4.7 [Updated] Page [HASHTAG]#43[/HASHTAG]
or click ThreadMark...
and if FFC appears error message "cant set timer" ignore it...actually work well...news to be avoided is BOE FOMC Trump and PM May Speaks.. . CB Consumer Confidence.. And all speaks high impact level

Revision 4.6 on this post...
Tidy Up Input Menu and Displaying News Event only High-Impact ...

Biawak Predator V-4 | Happy Profit

may i know.. why my chart have not entry .. i have stay looking the chart. but its not entry any pair include GU..
the ea test at demo account.not real.. lets say my computer now 9.05 pm. then what next?
You use vps or not?if you use computer...make sure you time actual....like if you gmt time..make sure your computer time actual....you can set time yourself....sorry bad english

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
This EA is simply excellent, but one hour or another will burst the account... Who use, and I would like to continue using, should be in your mind that when you reach 5 orders, be careful to close these orders manually.
Thansk for Sharing...


Last edited:
Update :
Revision 4.7
+ Adding TimeZone [GMT+3] : For Default Working Hours... (Adjust if different server broker timezone)
+ a bit Improvement Signal
Default Stop Friday Hour set to : 14 (for safety)
i am gonna use it on a real cent account, then if it is good, i would buy it. How long could i use 4.7 version?
Masih belum membuat kecewa gan mc 2$ masih dianggap kecil cuma rokok sebungkus
kalau mc sudah pake digit lima uang dolar kalau ane bsa nangis gulung2
akun sen cocok buat tes ea gan yah ane mau coba di firewoodfx tapi belum jadi

kalo kecewanya ya pasti kecewa om, walaupun $2 itu juga duit hehehe.. trader receh kayak ane bisanya ya masih cent lah hehehehe ....
yang lebih bahaya itu kalo kecewa trus menyerah, akhirnya putus asa, atau karena kecewa akhirnya set EA ( apapun) pake cara ngawur, itu menurut saya lebih bahaya hahahaha

salam kenal om dari trader receh :):ok:
Kalau menurut ane sih drpd nyoba ea di demo mending di cent...kenapa?karena server beda antara demo dan di real...di demo pasti gampang eksekusi dan lain2....coba aja di real...gk segampang di demo...dah ane buktiin di semua broker gtu...makane kalau nyoba ea mending di cent...korban $1-2 gak papa asal tau kinerja ea....

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Hello. I was wondering why Alwaysprofit decided to make a total withdrawal from the FBS real account. Are you still running your EA? Did you move your funds to another broker? If so, can you let us know the details of the new account.

Thank you.
This EA is simply excellent, but one hour or another will burst the account... Who use, and I would like to continue using, should be in your mind that when you reach 5 orders, be careful to close these orders manually.
Thansk for Sharing...

Thanks for your share.
This EA has the option to avoid trading before and after News based on FFC indicator.
Does Back Test avoid trading during News?
Can the EA reliably read past News events during back test?