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New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

first thx for sharing.. seconed - i will try the demo test today.
if in one week it will be good and i understnad how it works i want to put on live account on 500$ and to share results with u.
pls - what tf is best for use? is it only gpbusd pair?
many thx
yes only for GBPUSD
lapor ....
saya MC dengan modal $2 ke akun cent, jadi asumsi saya modal $200 masih belum cukup tahan badai ...
karena kesibukan saya, jadi ndak bisa memantau terus ke kinerja EA, Insya Alloh jika sudah senggang saya akan lebih pantau lagi ..
tetep berkarya om ...

selanjutnya akan saya coba $10 akun cent start minggu depan ...
no akun dan inv pass nay menyusul om :)
hahaa..okeh siap gan...sipp
New Attention....
Please need to know....
if your balance above $200 is better to split your account..
Balance $1000 split to 5 akun with $200 and start lot 0.01 better than you set Balance $1000 lot with 0.05 ...
because calculation lot if marti occurs is different...
balance $1000 total lot Max trades R5 and balance $200 x 5 account max trades conditions is different...
i will split my acc tomorrow..thank you
bos... kenapa tiba2 order saya close sendiri sedangkan saldo ada $450-an akun standard FBS posisi margin level masih diatas 400%, dan Equity masih $380... sedangkan saya pantau akun bos tetap floating walaupun tingkat margin tinggal 170%... mohon petunjuknya... apakah versi kita 4.7 berbeda dari bos V5A ??? :sweating::sweating::sweating:
New Attention....
Please need to know....
if your balance above $200 is better to split your account..
Balance $1000 split to 5 akun with $200 and start lot 0.01 better than you set Balance $1000 lot with 0.05 ...
because calculation lot if marti occurs is different...
balance $1000 total lot Max trades R5 and balance $200 x 5 account max trades conditions is different...
i will split my acc tomorrow..thank you
im using 0.03/1000 just because of that :)
lapor ....
saya MC dengan modal $2 ke akun cent, jadi asumsi saya modal $200 masih belum cukup tahan badai ...
karena kesibukan saya, jadi ndak bisa memantau terus ke kinerja EA, Insya Alloh jika sudah senggang saya akan lebih pantau lagi ..
tetep berkarya om ...

selanjutnya akan saya coba $10 akun cent start minggu depan ...
no akun dan inv pass nay menyusul om :)
Masih belum membuat kecewa gan mc 2$ masih dianggap kecil cuma rokok sebungkus
kalau mc sudah pake digit lima uang dolar kalau ane bsa nangis gulung2
akun sen cocok buat tes ea gan yah ane mau coba di firewoodfx tapi belum jadi
I having huge drawdown because of using EUR/CHF and GBPUSD in one account.
I suggest follow always profit instruction, only GBP/USD.
bos... kenapa tiba2 order saya close sendiri sedangkan saldo ada $450-an akun standard FBS posisi margin level masih diatas 400%, dan Equity masih $380... sedangkan saya pantau akun bos tetap floating walaupun tingkat margin tinggal 170%... mohon petunjuknya... apakah versi kita 4.7 berbeda dari bos V5A ??? :sweating::sweating::sweating:
View attachment 32106
Coba cek keterangan di Expert tab..
Kira2 itu closed kenapa...
Start since 12/07/2017 Now 28/7/2017 Profit 100%-150% 18 Days :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:

Hhmm kenapa ya gan op 0.05 yg seharusnya close di waktu 18:03:37 tapi tidak terclose dan jadi lot awal di trading berikutnya :worried: :worried:
Yesterday rev. 4.6 and 4.7 both opened maximum trades. Rev 4.7 closed the trade sooner and was out of trouble. So is 4.7 slightly safer than 4.6 but a little less profit? If so maybe I should stop running 4.6 and concentrate on 4.7. Is anyone else still running 4.6 or is that history and only 4.7 going forward. Thanks.