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New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

Hello Trader,

Please be participate to forward test my new EA (Updated) on different brokers ...new features and strategy...
basic trading style my EA is Martingale... but my EA place order waiting good signal...
here i attached latest forward test since 13th June 2017...till today result is good ..make profit more than 100% around 2weeks ...and Draw-Down under 15% ...

Here Running Account :
Demo since 13th june 2017 till 7th July 2017
Acc No : 5851182
Pass : showmedemo123
Server : FBS-Demo
Deposit : $500

Profit : $1000 (200%)

Real since 21th june 2017 till 7th July 2017
Acc No : 9031976
Pass : showmereal123
Server : FBS-Real-9
Deposit : $860

Profit : $520 (60%)

Requirement :
Start Balance : $200
Base Lot : 0.01
Timeframe : M1
Setting : Default Broker 5Digit

Please copy-paste Indicator FFC (for news filter) if you have before please Overwrite... and make sure name of indicator is "FFC" remove prefix or suffix from soehoe auto download...and don't attached.... it will be called automatic by EA...
allow dll import on global options... Tools > Options > Expert Advisor tab
Thank you... your feedback really-really appreciate ...

The clock(time) on your windows vps server should be showing actual time at timezone choosed... FFC will follow your local windows time...
refer this post ...for issue clock time in VPS
Biawak Predator V-4.7 [Updated] Page [HASHTAG]#43[/HASHTAG]
or click ThreadMark...
and if FFC appears error message "cant set timer" ignore it...actually work well...news to be avoided is BOE FOMC Trump and PM May Speaks.. . CB Consumer Confidence.. And all speaks high impact level

Revision 4.6 on this post...
Tidy Up Input Menu and Displaying News Event only High-Impact ...

Biawak Predator V-4 | Happy Profit
Hi bro .. i cannot download ur EA..
Can u send me ur EA.. by email.
[email protected]

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Hello everyone
Here is my review for buying the Biawak Predator. :ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok:
Biawak Predator can work well and is a very good system for me, and I believe in this system to make a profit for me. And I think it's safe because it has a news filtering function, which is important to keep you safe, and it works well with the system and has a stop function on Friday and can be set to range. working time It makes you safer. And an additional security function will be updated. Which is currently developing and will soon be seen.

For those who do not want to pay. I think you will get the money back from using your Predator.
You will receive support and assistance when problems arise. I think it is good and worth it.
And I think we should support creators.

And of course alwayprofit you trust him. When you buy, you get the item you bought. You do not have to believe me, but you can see with your own eyes.

I promise he did not give me money to write this review. But I'm willing to write this review myself.

Happy Profit :):):inlove:
Since you talk about selling I want to know how much is the predator going to be sold to customers?
i think it a great EA. but we should be carefull with martingale.
need a good setting to keep it safe.

does anyone want to share the set file ?
Hi, I have a problem installing this EA... here it is..

It always alert me and says I need to allow DLL import, but I already tick it... can anyone help me?


  • Screenshot_100.png
    26.6 KB · Views: 119
V4.7 traded good today. No trades on V4.6. Is version 4.6 still active? If not I will stop testing it.

Thank you.

My demo account recovered all of last weeks loss and reached a new high.

I am testing V4.6 and V4.7 to compare results.

My demo account recovered all of last weeks loss and reached a new high.

I am testing V4.6 and V4.7 to compare results.

Good result useful to backtest on demo
even can't withdraw profit on demo, but stil can used ti backtest ea
might different version also will different result if make comparison
Setelah diupdate makin mantap EAnya, Good Job alwaysprofit (^_^) Thank's
mantap pastinya gan... happy profits..

Ijin coba juga ya....di fbs akun cent modal $100 jadi $10000 di cent......

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
yess silahkan gan...

Ijin dl n test kang...
Terima kasih..

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
monggo gan..happy profits...

ijin test lagi mas bro...
makin mantap pasti:ok:
pasti makin mantappp...happy profits...

This is my review for this thread:
trit dan ea nya sangat bagus
makasih gan rates nya..mantap...happy profits...

This is my review for this thread:
Versi 4.7 mantap
cooooollll.... happy profits... alwaysprofit