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New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

Hi DoctorScot,

previously v4.6 the setting 'close all trades before news - true'
but v4.7 is false
shall v go for true or false? as if there are open positions and go thru news, it might has some risks..
usually sometime open trades before news coming... just around 1-2 open trades...but mostly before new coming no one open trades...
i prefer to set true.... this is part of risk...
Hi alwaysprofit ,
hi all,

after some more days I will give you some Points regarding your EA and the different versions.

As I wrote before I ran versions 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 in one account with different magic numbers.
Here you can see what happened during News time last friday. Only 4.6 closed orders, because of the
Option "Close all Trades: When Friday stop"
As you can see we realized a significant loss. Stop hour was "18". With an earlier Stop Hour most of
the trades would ot have been opened. :)

20170714 Stop Friday.PNG

The other versions held the positions and closed in profit some days later.

20170718 Stop Friday Rest.PNG

Beside this Option all three versions brought the same result and did the same trades for two weeks.

For this reason I stopped all versions except 4.5 and started with 4.7 today. Now look at the result.

20170720 Result.PNG

4.7 and 4.5 did different entries and different exits. Till now 4.7 seems to work more profitable. Let´s see what happens in the future.

And one more thing. Please continue to Change "comment" when Version is updated. It´s much easier to compare the different results.

20170720 Comment.PNG

Thanks again for your work. I would appreciate every experience users made with other pairs because until now I focused on comparing
versions and not the instruments.
Last edited:
This is my review for this thread:
The great EA, the signal is accurate, and the risk management is also done well, thanks for sharing such good EA, happy profits, 5 stars!
Hi alwaysprofit ,
hi all,

after some more days I will give you some Points regarding your EA and the different versions.

As I wrote before I ran versions 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 in one account with different magic numbers.
Here you can see what happened during News time last friday. Only 4.6 closed orders, because of the
Option "Close all Trades: When Friday stop"
As you can see we realized a significant loss. Stop hour was "18". With an earlier Stop Hour most of
the trades would ot have been opened. :)

View attachment 31954

The other versions held the positions and closed in profit some days later.

View attachment 31958

Beside this Option all three versions brought the same result and did the same trades for two weeks.

For this reason I stopped all versions except 4.5 and started with 4.7 today. Now look at the result.

View attachment 31955

4.7 and 4.5 did different entries and different exits. Till now 4.7 seems to work more profitable. Let´s see what happens in the future.

And one more thing. Please continue to Change "comment" when Version is updated. It´s much easier to compare the different results.

View attachment 31957

Thanks again for your work. I would appreciate every experience users made with other pairs because until now I focused on comparing
versions and not the instruments.
Version 4.7 or 4.6 ??

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Hi alwaysprofit ,
hi all,

after some more days I will give you some Points regarding your EA and the different versions.

As I wrote before I ran versions 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 in one account with different magic numbers.
Here you can see what happened during News time last friday. Only 4.6 closed orders, because of the
Option "Close all Trades: When Friday stop"
As you can see we realized a significant loss. Stop hour was "18". With an earlier Stop Hour most of
the trades would ot have been opened. :)

View attachment 31954

The other versions held the positions and closed in profit some days later.

View attachment 31958

Beside this Option all three versions brought the same result and did the same trades for two weeks.

For this reason I stopped all versions except 4.5 and started with 4.7 today. Now look at the result.

View attachment 31955

4.7 and 4.5 did different entries and different exits. Till now 4.7 seems to work more profitable. Let´s see what happens in the future.

And one more thing. Please continue to Change "comment" when Version is updated. It´s much easier to compare the different results.

View attachment 31957

Thanks again for your work. I would appreciate every experience users made with other pairs because until now I focused on comparing
versions and not the instruments.
ahhh... Bulli you doing well observations.... nice comparison performance...
keep give me feedback...
yes corect... 4.7 better than old...
Hallo gan, kenapa muncul notifikasi "FFC:Please Allow DLL Imports!" terus ???..saya sudah centang "Allow DLL imports" di Common..mohon petunjuknya master.. Thx
v 4.7 open posisi lebih banyak..... malam2 aja masih gencarrrrr.. kejar2 profit trussss
oh ya versi ini saya bandingkan pembukaan posisi tidak serempak di semua acc seperti versi2 sebelumnya apa emang ada perbedaan dalam membaca signalnya BOS ?? moon petunjuk....:swear::swear::swear::swear:
v 4.7 open posisi lebih banyak..... malam2 aja masih gencarrrrr.. kejar2 profit trussss
oh ya versi ini saya bandingkan pembukaan posisi tidak serempak di semua acc seperti versi2 sebelumnya apa emang ada perbedaan dalam membaca signalnya BOS ?? moon petunjuk....:swear::swear::swear::swear:
Wah kalau gencar membuka posisi bisa jadi over gan
nanti malah bisa gak bagus hasilnya kali, kecuali memang sudah diatur money manajemen yang sesuai
v 4.7 open posisi lebih banyak..... malam2 aja masih gencarrrrr.. kejar2 profit trussss
oh ya versi ini saya bandingkan pembukaan posisi tidak serempak di semua acc seperti versi2 sebelumnya apa emang ada perbedaan dalam membaca signalnya BOS ?? moon petunjuk....:swear::swear::swear::swear:
sedikit improvisasi signal gan... sebetulnya signal sama gan...hanya saja dilain broker pembacaanya belum valid...karena tiap broker liquidatornya beda2..
Update V4.7 kok malah ga muncul yah indicatornya gan...

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
sebetulnya muncul gan..hanya saja kemarin adalah terkahir news high-impact...dan hari ini dalam seminggu tidak ada lagi news high-impact...jadi oleh FFC tidak dimunculkan...