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New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

Is it normal that on GBPUSD it didn't open any trade yesterday and today? The trades opened on Wednesday 17th are active and in loss (buy trades).
Mantab, ea ini masih tetap menjadi ea yang ramai ditunggu versi terbarunya
dengan adanya versi terbaru harapanya akan lebih menguntungkan tentunya
Update V5.8A will release soonly... on going testing...
Update V5.8A
- No Take Profit... Take Profit Automatic calculate from Start Trailing + Step Trailing ...
- Improve Smart Trailing.... Moving Take Profit and Stop Level ...
- Improve Step Distance to Dynamic... Begin from Martingale #4 till ~ .... Minimum Step Distance will locked 2times from Step Distance or If Valid Dynamic Step Distance Signal.
- Filter News Avoided List... Changeable ...you can add news list name...
- Etc...
Update V5.8A will release soonly... on going testing...
In a martingale ea like this very important parameter is a stop the floating losses and disable autotrading , because same the last week if the price go down deeply can blow the account , if the ea only close all the trade when reached a % of loss and the price still go down open other position and other , no way about can continue lose the money , maybe better the users check the situation until the graph is clear...and reliable the ea when everything is ok....
2) in the new parameter i look the setting of close position when "money " or percent reached of the the day....but some day the expert make 5% someday more , how i can adjust this parameter for a better balance of profit and losses after your experience with predator ea?
many thanks....
Update V5.8A
- No Take Profit... Take Profit Automatic calculate from Start Trailing + Step Trailing ...
- Improve Smart Trailing.... Moving Take Profit and Stop Level ...
- Improve Step Distance to Dynamic... Begin from Martingale #4 till ~ .... Minimum Step Distance will locked 2times from Step Distance or If Valid Dynamic Step Distance Signal.
- Filter News Avoided List... Changeable ...you can add news list name...
- Etc...

Booking a first queue to test. When this version expire? Maybe you can let's trader test EA free with unlimited function or without expiry date on Demo account. If trader interested a full version and want to use EA in real account then support author to get EA work on real account.
Update V5.8A
- No Take Profit... Take Profit Automatic calculate from Start Trailing + Step Trailing ...
- Improve Smart Trailing.... Moving Take Profit and Stop Level ...
- Improve Step Distance to Dynamic... Begin from Martingale #4 till ~ .... Minimum Step Distance will locked 2times from Step Distance or If Valid Dynamic Step Distance Signal.
- Filter News Avoided List... Changeable ...you can add news list name...
- Etc...

where I can download and try this ea alwaysprofit
Booking a first queue to test. When this version expire? Maybe you can let's trader test EA free with unlimited function or without expiry date on Demo account. If trader interested a full version and want to use EA in real account then support author to get EA work on real account.
yes...will be provide demo and trial version....

where I can download and try this ea alwaysprofit
wait brother....under testing...
halo gan alwaysprofit, saya punya licensi ea biawak predator ini, mau ganti no akun, karena ganti broker.. tolong cek email sama grup support telegram kok mati ya
halo gan alwaysprofit, saya punya licensi ea biawak predator ini, mau ganti no akun, karena ganti broker.. tolong cek email sama grup support telegram kok mati ya
sory gan late reply....
agak sibuk kemarin..jadi lupa bales..
oke gan..nnti dkirim... versi 6 ..lagi di test...
awal bulan depan baru dikirim semua..