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New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

bebas gan..boleh berapa aja digitnya... biasanya saya pake 5digit...

Waktu pembukaan awal OP langsung 0,19 lot, padahal minimal disini 0,01 lot saya lihat rekan lain lotnya 0,01 - 0,03 settingan saya default cuma ubah magic number , apa masih ini normal atau ada settingan lain lagi gan ?
Waktu pembukaan awal OP langsung 0,19 lot, padahal minimal disini 0,01 lot saya lihat rekan lain lotnya 0,01 - 0,03 settingan saya default cuma ubah magic number , apa masih ini normal atau ada settingan lain lagi gan ?
owh...itu karena MM Autolot set enable...jadi lot menyesuiakan otomatis... sebaiknya set to Disable aja... OP yang ada boleh di cut...atau nanti pas nunggu clear...itu akun cent ya...
owh...itu karena MM Autolot set enable...jadi lot menyesuiakan otomatis... sebaiknya set to Disable aja... OP yang ada boleh di cut...atau nanti pas nunggu clear...itu akun cent ya...

Iya gan aku cent jadi sebaiknya diubah aja ya gan, terus file indicator FFC perlu dimasukkan di dua chart atau ga usah ?
Satu lagi gan EA agan ini OP buy dan sell sekaligus sebelum ada salahsatu close trade ini apa juga perlu settingan lagi ?
Iya gan aku cent jadi sebaiknya diubah aja ya gan, terus file indicator FFC perlu dimasukkan di dua chart atau ga usah ?
Satu lagi gan EA agan ini OP buy dan sell sekaligus sebelum ada salahsatu close trade ini apa juga perlu settingan lagi ?
indicator FFC jangan dimasukin ke chart gan...gak perlu...otomatis dipanggil oleh EA...
gak perlu ada setingan lagi gan...sudah cukup tinggal pantau aja..
Big drawdown for me my friend 1000 USD demo account 0.02 size lot multiplicator 1.3...I think safe but... and you ?
do you think i must just use GBPUSD ? i have Audusd too and Eurgbp ... but it's the standard setup i think


  • Capture d’écran 2018-07-17 à 19.11.03.png
    Capture d’écran 2018-07-17 à 19.11.03.png
    146.6 KB · Views: 68
See the attached snapshoot, Is this normal !! , used version 5.6 and load the settings that you provide without any change.


  • Screenshot_10.png
    166.1 KB · Views: 49
i faced big loss today too but i think we should avoid trading days of big news and speech like today.Last friday i have been saved by miracle of reversal on friday afternoon but today no miracles .Always profit that % exit is mandatory..your system is good and thanks for your work could you add a button to stop and close the trades and ea so we can close all trades fast.
Thanks to you
We should know that trading is hard work and not complain when it hurts ...would be too easy..
i faced big loss today too but i think we should avoid trading days of big news and speech like today.Last friday i have been saved by miracle of reversal on friday afternoon but today no miracles .Always profit that % exit is mandatory..your system is good and thanks for your work could you add a button to stop and close the trades and ea so we can close all trades fast.
Thanks to you
We should know that trading is hard work and not complain when it hurts ...would be too easy..

You set EA to trade when have high impact news? I think EA have function to avoid High impact news, Speak also mark as high impact news. EA not close position for you?
I was on the trade before Powell's speech,i should have close with à loss. I thoughit could go on the good side for me what it happened first before diving..my fault but
Not easy to close positions in loss,but it's mandatory to avoid much bigger losses..
In EA have a function "Close on trade before news" maybe that help. But better way is observe a calendars in the morning to avoid a high impact news. I think you trade EU because of EUR had an extreme fallen yesterday till today.