good and clean organized job, including my favorite bt period "above 5 years"
but unfortunately, is not working by increasing the risk "lot size in here" you may try it yourself and i'm sure that you did!
so nobody in forums will be interested on such things that bring slow yearly profit, because 90% or more of visitors and members in forums will have only 10k below to invest and the return on 10k below accounts is small including more than 30% risk with the default ea set + its only bt, real life trading is another story
nobody will spend time and money for 10 % monthly or yearly portfolio return on 10k below account, its not about greed its just logic and about ppl's needs
for me i can invest $50 if {with 0 risk and 200% a weak is enough

again good job on ur bt, keep coming at least i'll write something positive and congrats someone in here more than once a year
anyway its just my point of view