Simon khan
New Member
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For me your offer looks like an evidence that both are useless and not profitable.i can give both p7 and new hope just 50 usd anyone msg me
Link expired plz updateHi there...
i am an arbitrage trader and trading arbitrage since long time you wont believe but arbitrage is still possible many peoples are still using these kind of stratgies this stratgy was profitable still profitable and will always be.
but the problem is find a suitable broker which is very difficult now days so i know many brokers that are useful for arbitrage trading now days.
if anyone who is doing arbitrage and wants to exchange his/her broker that is suitable he is most welcome at my whatsapp +923080058888
daily i test many brokers and after i found a useful broker i shear the name of that broker with my frinds at my whatsapp group so you are also welcome at my whatsapp
here is the link to join my whatsapp group
moreover if anyone wants any information abt arbitrage he/she can contact with me
i use westerenpips ea and new hope ea both
I can share for free but both of them are not working anymoreFor me your offer looks like an evidence that both are useless and not profitable.
Say something!
Wow live prooflolz its work and i win i just help to here group to get better verion of arb if i want to sell i can do 500 1000 usd but i can do small amt so eveyone can try 50 usd not big deal we can loss in fx when testing broker i hope u understand ..i give u broker name fxpro there work and i make 4000 usd profit 3 days
hi,can you share bumblebee v1.5 and settings for fbsi use bumblebee v.1.5 FBS Real 9 at june,10, 2020
Yes, kalau pun profit mungkin di suruh wd atau profit tdk dibayarkan,dan diblacklist oleh brokerBroker yang menggunakan software apapun untuk membuat trader loss mungkin saja banyak,
tapi tidak semua trader bisa memahami secara teliti, kebanyakan hanya menggunakan layanan sebgaiamana adanya
ea arbitrase ini juga sulit mungkin kalau koneksi lelet dan server buruk sering delay