• Welcome back! Thank you for being a part of this Traders Community. Let's discuss and share :)
    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion 1000% profit, never lose your trade anymore

Is there an indicator in this thread or EA that works? And is there a clearly described use? Or is the whole thread just a dirt?
It is not very moral to use people as experimental rabbits. Without knowing it from the beginning.

I do not know what you are talking about! There is a lot of good information in this thread!

the indicator did not work 100%, but the idea is extremely safe and good
Hi All,
I'm back with latest update.
Some simplifies are implemented, such as signal level, displaying signal in the right corner with color according to order type and the most important is signal come with higher accurate.

Supports pairs :

View attachment 30445 View attachment 30446

SUHU...kenapa ya saya attach file update tp ga keluar grafiknya ya
ada setingan khususkah?? klo pake indi yang Update 1 keluar grafiknya di indikatornya
Hi All,
Here I attach latest update corrAutobot V2.

mohon maaf saya yang newbi....kenapa ya sy udh update indi yg terakhir di share..msh tetep ga muncul ya..

ada kesalahan di mt4 yg saya ga ya

tp klo pake indi yang versi 1 muncul suhu...sekiranya ada yang bs ngasih tau petunjuk...terima kasih sebelumnya
setelah dibaca semua...apa bener indi ini ga bisa di akun real???
-jadi indi iniga muncul di MT4 saya karena akn yg saya terapkan adalah real ya?

mohon ada yang ngabarin ya agan2 dan suhu suhu
This is my review for this thread:
It seems AutoProfit is one of nicest people in the forum. I will check the indicator althrought after i read the whole thread i don't understand if the indicator is not expired but it still seems quite safe. Thanks,