we are doing upgrade.Hi AutoProfit,
it took me all day long to read all 31 pages of this post. Finally I downloaded your indi, copy and pasted to the mt4 folder. attached to GBPUSD chart, but the indi stays blank?
pls need your help, what I am doing wrong?
View attachment 39852
I will try it any setfiles ?Expiry Date 31.12.2030 but TP dosnt work use te close at profit EA
Thank u, can´t wait to test ur new indicator.we are doing upgrade.
and running internal test.
use with other indicator it helpfull
too bad they always ban the real deal membershey man ive come across a strategy if you say you can build an EA around it please message me and we maybe we can try and make it work?
Hello, as i understand, need open EU and GU charts in H1 and add EA only in EU chart, right? And indicator not need add in EU, GU charts?here you go