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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion 1000% profit, never lose your trade anymore

Hey Guys i am having issue with the latest download of the indicator as it showing as blank on my chart however the very first indicator that autobot sent out on page 1 works with no problems at all. Could someone reshare and let me know if you have any issues loading the indicator. Thanks Autoprofit for your hardwork on this
This's one of the secret indicator never lose.
correlation between two pairs regarding their price position.

The indicator supports Pairs:
1. GBPUSD and EURUSD, install on GBPUSD chart
2. USDJPY and EURUSD, install on USDJPY chart

Upper Level and Lower Level indicate moment to entry, Open Buy and Sell together on that pairs.
And takeprofit when signal touch level 0.

Very easy to used and profitable, never loss your trade anymore.

Ini adalah salah satu indikator rahasia tidak pernah loss.
Korelasi antara dua pasang terhadap posisi harga kedua pair tersebut.

Indikator ini support:
1. GBPUSD dan EURUSD, pasang pada chart GBPUSD
2. USDJPY dan EURUSD, pasang pada chart USDJPY

Upper Level dan Lower Level menunjukkan saat Open Order, Open Buy dan Sell bersama-sama pada kedua pasangan ini.
Dan takeprofit ketika sinyal sentuh level 0.

Sangat mudah untuk digunakan dan menguntungkan, tidak pernah loss trading Anda lagi.

View attachment 29194

View attachment 29195
This is only an indicator.
I put the indicators in the directory indicators and I've updated the navigator but I can't see your indicator
assalamualaikum wr wb

baru saja download dan pasang indinya di GBPUSD ini yang muncul
mohon sarannya dimana download yang terbaru dan apakah emmang ada expirednya ?


  • upload_2018-10-10_23-22-0.png
    44.8 KB · Views: 2,213
hello I would like to try this but I have some questions:
where can I download the latest version ??
is an EA or indicator ?
how to use it ?:blush:
Suhu2, mau tanya, kok semua versi indinya ga muncul apa2 ya di chart? udah coba donlot semua versi, buka dari halaman pertama sampe 34, versi awal sampe 1.40 gaada yg bisa. Mohon pencerahan nya suhu2;)