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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)
tanaka akiko
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  • hello tanaka can u please look at my request
    tanaka akiko
    tanaka akiko
    I apologize, but creating any more EAs for free is beyond my capacity. However, if you are open to paying for the service, please feel free to request it through my web page.
    Ola eu tenho uam ideia como fazer robo ( ele abrirodem por candle ex h1 estop 18 pib 18 telk ex se ele pega telke 0,01 continua mevo volume se ele pega stop prossima vela 0,03 ai quando ele pega telk 0,03 na prossima ele volta 0,01 se ele erra 0,03 vai 0,06 se eraa 0,12 abri por vela tem como ????
    Hi Tanaka, nice to meet you, someone recommended your profil ✓

    I would like you to code an EA for a profitable strategy I developped
    tanaka akiko
    tanaka akiko
    Yes, pleas open a new thread for it!
    Ratel Trader
    I'm not used to this website, I didn't know what you were talking about "opening a New thread" so I searched and found a link of thread about you and Ahmad Khan

    I wanted to know are you able to code an EA without indicators ?

    I used only Tradingview to make it without indicators, only Price action and knowledges of mine but I can explain everything in details without problem
    sir im from bangladesh. i tested your EA basan. reasul is awosome. Now i have some question.
    1) can i added in my live account.
    2) is it free for life time.
    3) if i used in vps, then password protected is needed. so what can i do for this.
    4) which vps better for this EA.
    Good morning Master Akiko

    I have a simple strategy for the Dax I am interested in having an ea made for mt4

    The logic is by trader Tom and is simple

    4th bar breakout on 5min bar from Frankfurt open buy above sell below usually leaves 2 to 4 pts space and stop is opposite side of the 4th 5 min bar

    Tom did a ton of research on this and it should be very profitable

    This morning was almost 100 pts!

    Thanks sir
    Dear Tanaka

    Can you please share the Universal Attach Indicator Name EA to me please
    tanaka akiko
    tanaka akiko
    What EA is it ?
    Did I code?
    Dear i don't Remember But that EA is Universal. it is input section add Indicator Name. I need ex4 file also ok please share the File i do some Indicators checking. and Also Change in
    Take profit 0,
    Stop loss 0,
    Opposite Signal Close True and
    Close when Profit True
    this 4 Options change as a default and send me ex4 file please
    tanaka akiko
    tanaka akiko
    Sorry , it is not my EA.
    I have never coded such an EA.
    Good day Sir Tanaka,

    Is there a new FFCAL source code? I could not make mine work. I mean I have a couple of this and all is not working even using the new calendar link that I asked from you.

    I highly appreciate it if you could point me to a link of a source code or if you don't mind me asking to give me if you have.

    Thank you again Sir Tanaka.

    God bless.
    Hi, can you help me for mt4 ea? I would be very happy if you would scan the parities on the left when it comes to the support resistance areas in the monthly time frame and give me a buy and sell warning.
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