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Suggestion MonkeyPips - With Secondary Terminal

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by trevor, 24 Jul 2016.

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  1. trevor

    trevor Active Member

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    Locked by moderators​
    Last edited: 04 Aug 2016
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  2. tmiguelssantos

    tmiguelssantos Member Credit Hunter

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    This is my review for this thread:
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  3. joko waluyo

    joko waluyo Member Credit Hunter

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    I dont understan anymore, can yougive more explain please
  4. Ahmed Saed

    Ahmed Saed New Member

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    me to not understand
    • Old Old x 1
  5. Mark Lama

    Mark Lama Member Credit Hunter

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    Hi Trevor, Could you please explain the details and be specific why 2 terminal open in 1 account and what are the trading rules. it would be appreciated if you can do this. Thanks in advance :)
  6. astro

    astro Member Credit Hunter

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    so we must have two deferent vps, with same account number, how is on in one vps can it work, thanks your answer
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  7. Ron2009

    Ron2009 Member Credit Hunter

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    Thank you Trevor for this share.
    Could you explain little bit in more details what kind of method is "This is an innovative method of managing the same trades with 2 different terminals."

  8. trevor

    trevor Active Member

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    you dont have to have 2 vps. they can be on the same vps if you dont have 2 but i was just saying better if different vps.
    heres how a trade works

    MT4 actions a pending order....in an instant... maybe 1 or 2 milliseconds for it to actually happen....
    so then the MT4 sends this information to broker -----------------------> heres my trade broker..... but this takes maybe 80 milleseconds
    broker says ..... ah....sure not problem... its within the slip so heres your price ---------------------------------> but this takes a few more millseconds.....but
    broker also say.....hey wait a minute but thats not the price anymore..... heres new price ----------------------------> (price and accepted order) MT4 terminal.....
    MT4 terminals receives this information but says... WTF i only placed a pending order.... meanwhile broker already opened the order.....
    so MT4 has a ticket for pending order where price is invalid and broker has ticked for open order
    MT4 cannot delete this order because parameters are incorrect....ie... Price === 1.10000 for BUYSTOP but actual Bid === 1.10030 and broker opened trade at 1.10010

    so in todays ecn communications we getting a bit more data of ticks than we think...

    here comes the secondary termninal.......
    all that happens on the secondary terminal is...
    MT4 sees pending orders and open positions happen but say....hey i didnt open them but what the hell i hav the magic number to manage them...
    so withing the 2-3 millseconds that broker already opened position... and sends info back to both terminals after about 80ms.... the secondary terminal does no see issues with anything because its basically a big brother mopping up the mess from the first terminal. sees an acutal open trade and not an errored pending order and can modify this trade.

    you dont have to hav 2 terminals but mark my words... the 2nd terminal is like a big brother at high school
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  9. trevor

    trevor Active Member

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    you know when some EA require super fast vps ans executions?

    well with this EA.... does not matter if you have 2 terminals....
    hell... you can have 3 or 4 terminals

    just try it and come post your feedback please. i dont know why no one ever thought of this before... yuss like it freaking works beautifully believe it or not
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  10. alankw88

    alankw88 New Member Credit Hunter

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    Hi Trevor,
    Thanks for your great sharing.
    When the data comes back from broker to terminal, let said, 2 terminal at the same vps, both terminals should receive the data at the same time? Because the ping from 2 terminal at the same vps should be the same...

    Just my thought...
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  11. trevor

    trevor Active Member

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    btw..... although i am sharing this strategy free i have protected it with a license key

    send me a PM for your key

    remember algo trade? if you talk to tickmill they will tell you only a handful of traders were profitable with that strategy because the couldnt supply the correct price to all the trades. some got slipped badly...

    so.... depending on your broker.... i am allowing only a handful of licenses and ofcourse with IB. I have to benefit from a good share else no motive for me.
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  12. trevor

    trevor Active Member

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    you would think ye? but the 2 terminals on the same vps do not receive the same ticks.... not at the same time anyway.
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  13. LucaT

    LucaT New Member Credit Hunter

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    Very interesting Trevor, thanks for share.
    I have on VPS close to the broker (less then 10ms) and another one quite far (about 80ms)
    Can I use this combination of VPS?
    Do you think I have to put the primary in the slow one (80ms) and the secondary in the fast one (10ms)?
  14. witek

    witek Member Credit Hunter

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    Thank you Trevor 're great
  15. trevor

    trevor Active Member

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    Put primary on fast one and secondary on slow one.
    secondary will always receive ticks fast than primary can send when placing orders.
    need to keep in mind that when a transaction is performed there is a lot more overhead than just reading price
    Also note:
    Primary will trade as normal.. that is send and manage orders as best as can
    Secondary will not send orders will only make updates to stoploss and pendings
  16. jozmik

    jozmik Active Member Credit Hunter

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    Thanks for your sharing!:)
    How can I get your licence key? I have Tickmill account from about 6 month and I can not register as a new member.:(
  17. jozmik

    jozmik Active Member Credit Hunter

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  18. jozmik

    jozmik Active Member Credit Hunter

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  19. trevor

    trevor Active Member

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    you dont have to use tickmill but they do give you 30usd so you can try the strategy risk free.
    you tell me the broker you want to use, or wait... you dont like people benefiting from their hard work even if it doesnt cost you anything.... ahah one of those
    the other alternative is find someone that can edu it
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  20. trevor

    trevor Active Member

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    btw.... if you had a little intuition you could figure out how to make the ea work. i left a little back door on the ex4 just incase i didnt want generate a key. bang you head on that. :rofl:

    anyone can can use it without the key if they know how
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