Hi Ozren, can you share Hunterscalper please ?Trio Orchestra + Hunterscalper(freedemo version)
Hi Azren,so...lets go ! 12 calendar days and 75 % profit ....risky set up (max dd cca 20 %)and a bit to many trading pairs but it's demo account ...virtual money . currently trading on 7 pairs + gold ,all on 0.02 initial lot . waiting for real hot news reaction!View attachment 64766
after 2 weeks and extra few hours, balance and equity grow up 128% ! but...max DD was almost 45% (caused by eurgbp) ! Any way I reduced number of trading pairs on 5 + Gold ! Lot 0.03 now ! Can't wait to go live with it , IMO live result could be only better - few % more profit and lower DD than on demo !View attachment 65249
Ozren - are settings for trio a secret?220% in 20 calendar daysView attachment 65687
Thank you for your effort!is it hard to read all my posts in this thread? https://soehoe.id/trio-orchestra-ea-a-free-no-expiry-little-grid-rider.t12237/page-2#post-263628 loT 0.01 , tp 50 , max trades 20 pipstep 50,close on Friday false.the rest default,...most important : standard account , M15, 5 pairs (eu,gu,uj,au,ge+ gold) .Min 3000$ deposit (safe 5000$)...and I increased lot (now 0.03)..but use that basic settings and test it first to find out how it goes!
hope that will reach 300% profit in 22 days , today .Now great 280% ! View attachment 66012
Can you please attach set file?maybe it's sufiks 'f' at your pairs or...have no idea , i'm not a coder or EA owner . Try another broker or account type !
what good results, are you using the trail_stop option? I'm sorry I do not understand English very well ...International Capital Markets standard account , M15,
thanks bro.hope that will reach 300% profit in 22 days , today .Now great 280% ! View attachment 66012