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      Trading is too hard

      Trade in forex is easy for those who have enough knowledge about forex trading and have a good broker as their guide. Forex needs little investment. It is easy because anyone can easily trade from anywhere in the world. I am also a trader of forex market. I always trade with TP Global FX. I chose them because they gave me low spreads and high leverage. Because of them I learned about forex. They help me to decide when and where to trade. Their trading style is also easy. So, for them, forex trading becomes easy for me.

      TP Global FX? Sounds new to me? Tell me, is it scalping friendly for it's trading server?
      Always making profit is difficult in forex market. You can easily earn money if you have enough knowledge about forex market. But in spite of having good knowledge, it is quite tough to ensure profit all time. It is right that in forex market a trader can make consistent profit. But it is not all time. New traders should know that fact that earning money in forex is easy but always making profit is not so easy. They should keep patience and keep trying to make consistent profit. I couldn't make profit at first. But now I can make profit consistently with the help of Forex4you because of their ease of trading techniques. They are like my guideline in the forex market.
      Trading is too hard for those who don't have any knowledge about the forex market. Before trading in the forex market, you need to know all the basics of forex. You can get knowledge about forex market by opening a demo account under a reliable broker like Forex4you. A demo account will help you to know all the basics of forex easily. It will also help you to learn about the tools and techniques of forex market practically. It is the best way to learn about trading and make a way of earning.
      Trading is too hard for those who have no knowledge about the forex market. On the other hand, a wrong broker can make your trading harder. You can make a good career in this risky market if you have enough knowledge and a good and reliable broker like Tpglobalfx. I am trading with them, for the past 2 years. They are very reliable. They always help me to make money from this market. With the help of them, my trading career becomes so easy.
      i trade forex for 2 years ,lost so much!!!!
      Hi Stilice
      You mentioned "Lost so much". Sorry for that but it also tells that you still have spirit to stand.
      "Lost so much" may happen in many reasons:
      1. You trade too BIG
      2. You trade in many pairs at near time.
      3. You make averaging trades against the TREND
      - Cut your Loss immediately when the trend is no more at your favor
      - Understanding the Trend (Trend may differ depending on Time Frame you use)​

      Act like a BOSS if you wanna be a Boss (successful Trader)

      Hope it could help.
      Enjoy Forex!
      Traders should always focus on risk management. A very valuable risk management tool is Stop Loss. Stop Loss is especially useful if you do not have the ability to manually close positions. Continue to practice the right way to set stops, keep a diary of your thought processes and trade results, and review them to get a step closer to being a professional risk manager. My broker Eurotrader always execute my stop loss order at my desire price.

      Is Eurotrader welcoming scalpers to their trading servers? Since scalping can be a bit troublesome to some trading servers on several trading broker, they even put a warning about scalping on their professional accounts.
      Apakah Anda kesulitan dalam menemukan berita fundamental atau mungkin butuh rujukan analisis yang mantap?? Jika Ya, Anda bisa mencoba membaca analisa yang diterbitkan oleh FreshForex, saya sudah mencoba dan memang hasilnya memuaskan, Anda tidak perlu lagi pusing menghadapi pasar yang kadang kurang bersahabat. Untuk itu langsung saja Anda ke sini
      Melatih kemampuan membuat analisa pergerakan pasar agar sesuai dengan kondisi pasar agar dapat melatih membuat strategi yang sesuai dengan analisa teknis dan menghasilkan profit yang baik dan rutin bersama broker FreshForex.
      Trading is easy when the market move in our favor
      But trading is hard when the market move against position order
      Overall trading is risky business, but profitable for expert trader who well knowledge.
      Trading is easy when the market move in our favor
      But trading is hard when the market move against position order
      Overall trading is risky business, but profitable for expert trader who well knowledge.

      We will need to use our trading in a manner so that more income can be obtained by us.
      Are there any lessons on mannered trading techniques that can be taught in FXOpen? I mean some new traders need to know this stuff before jumping in to real account.
      Betul sekali, fasilitas yang di sediakan oleh broker khendaknya bisa kita manfaatkan dnegan sebaik mungkin , hal ini diperlukan agar trader bisa lebih baik dan maksimal. Bonu deposit broker FreshForex pun bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menahan resiko trading lebih baik lagi agar peluang profitnya lebih baik lagi tentunya gan.
      Apakah broker FXOpen ini memberikan edukasi yang baik untuk kliennya gan? Mungkin sejenis webinar mingguan bisa sangat membantu trader untuk bisa lebih konsisten lagi tentunya gan.
      Memang untuk melatih mental dan psikologi dalam bertrading di bisnis forex ini cocoknya di akun real, dan baiknya dimulai dengan jumlah modal yang kecil terlebih dahulu gan. Ini sangat disarankan oleh analis broker FreshForex untuk memulai karir trading Forex gan.
      Kualitas trading yang baik harus selalu diperhatikan dengan seksama. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memastikan trader dapat mencapai tingkat keamanan dan kenyamanan maksimal dalam aktivitas trading, seperti yang saya alami dengan broker FreshForex., yang dimana bonus depositnya sangat membantu untuk meminimalisir resiko yang ada ketika melakukan trading.