when i read this "TickStorm is the result of a 6 months team research and integrates a new approach in the art of ticks analysis." i stop reading immediately
Bubby , you like this EA? Like the results?Yeah, sure ...GU was Trending !!!
Thanks for spotting and testing I will try
don't forget that a good EA must have at least 5 years of positive backtestingHi ambrogio !
2 things come to my mind :
1- The pattern we spotted emerged at the end of 2015 and gain power during the first half of 2017.
2- You are using TDS. We used to do this until we detected a flaw into this software : tickstory.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1498&sid=11fd3092e0dbd9fffa8b7328c99fc20b
Best regards
Bubby , you like this EA? Like the results?
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
In my life i've been Testing 1000s of EAs, but around 3% made me $$$.
Cheers, buddy!
Yes Bubby we are waiting for your 3%,
hope you will not mind to share with us.
"It's nice to be important..... But, it's more important to be ...nice! "
I have 4 sells open on demo account eur usd , all in profit, not closed yet.
Looks good but on tester little works....