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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA TickStorm - Very impressive new EA

What are you talking about, man ?
I didn't change anything !
I don't think this EA is time-wasting otherwise I wouldn't have come here...
What are you talking about, man ?
I didn't change anything !
I don't think this EA is time-wasting otherwise I wouldn't have come here...

I said just to give us the right Code to Test it ....otherwise, our time nobody's gonna give it back! I already know this EA - Type; doesn't Trade Frequently, because it's not happening all day-long to meet the "criteria" for taking Trades... Also, ONLY for our Tests, could you, please change the LotSize to 0.10 ....i've posted this Quest before.... Probably you didn't see the Post yet....
Maybe you are misled by the name of the settings appearing in the Strategy Tester reports.
Let me explain : the variables you see in the EA window are user-friendly ones and in the strategy report, you see the coded ones (the names we used in our code). BUT they are the same ! Just do a backtest, export the report and you'll see by yourself.
Concerning a version with 0.1 lot limitation, I have to speak with my team before deciding this.

Kind regards
Important update : new set files for both pairs !

First post edited.

My Dear, Symphoenix , i'd like to "clear" some "critical points" with you and over all i'm just asking you to be honest answering to my Questions. It's nothing personal as between us it's no "animosity" ...we don't even know each other!

I've already done my BT with your EA [...see Post # 30 in your Thread!] that's why i'm here, because i "sniffed" some Potential. I don't test not even in Demo an EA with Profit-Factor < 4.00. In my life i've been Testing 1000s of EAs, but around 3% made me $$$.

You're calling your "Product" a "very impressive EA" ....i know it's your hard-work ....but based on WHAT ????... You've Posted ONLY BT Results, not even a Demo Acc. Results.
I see that you're asking people to Test your EA, alright ???... that doesn't mean you're making a favour to us, but viceversa...
QUEST: Are you at least OFFERING a Free-License for using your Product when/if all the Tests will be OK [...in terms of "earnings"!] to our Traders-Fellows involved in your thread ???

I want to remember you that you are posting in a Forum where the main concept/intent is to SHARE : ideas, opinions, EAs, Sets-files, good words, bad words, almost EVERYTHING regarding the Big World of the Fx Trading...

If your intentions are purely "commercials" then you cannot "pretending" too much from our Community... Nobody has to do your job as a Seller and finally to get an Invite to BUY a License... Got it, pal ???... In this case you should Post Real-Proofs of the "Excellent" Performance of this EA, not simple BT Graphics that even the kids can do......

Cheers, buddy!


Hi !

Thanks for your inputs.

We are not asking for anything except some positive behaviour. We have decided to share with the world a free version of an EA we know for a fact is good.
It's not aimed at those looking for a quick buck because it takes its time to open positions but in the long run, it is profitable.
We have conducted our own tests and don't need others data. TickStorm is ready.
This post is a gift to all of you, a way to share our knowledge.
The full version won't be free, that's true ! But we are not cheating about that fact and don't take anyone by surprise.
If you don't like our philosophy, you can forget this EA and try to find another good one. We are not forcing anyone to use TickStorm.

Let me say that we have been saddened by the negativity surrounding this post. Our goal was and remains noble !

Best regards

Hi !

Thanks for your inputs.

We are not asking for anything except some positive behaviour. We have decided to share with the world a free version of an EA we know for a fact is good.
It's not aimed at those looking for a quick buck because it takes its time to open positions but in the long run, it is profitable.
We have conducted our own tests and don't need others data. TickStorm is ready.
This post is a gift to all of you, a way to share our knowledge.
The full version won't be free, that's true ! But we are not cheating about that fact and don't take anyone by surprise.
If you don't like our philosophy, you can forget this EA and try to find another good one. We are not forcing anyone to use TickStorm.

Let me say that we have been saddened by the negativity surrounding this post. Our goal was and remains noble !

Best regards

Alright! Got your point! Really appreciate that you've decided to speak up to the world and make us clearer your point of view. I know it's not easy to stay competent in this Industry and don't get me wrong because i'm not asking for nobody's mercy... Actually i really like the hard-workers that get even good results!

Well, my Dear, this is not Negativity, here the traders try to give a hand each others, but the "jackals" are not missing from this Forum, so, you should understand our point of view... We don't know ...really.... who's words to trust anymore and the Quantity of "Garbage" discarded in places like this one is unmeasurable, for real.... Sometimes here's a "fighting-stage" instead of collaboration, peace & harmony.... I'm sure you get my point, as i'm sure you're a smart guy!...

Sharing your knowledge and the results of your "brain-burning" is the beautiful part and YES, this is very nice of you !!!.. You're saying that you have "facts" that can give us a "shadow of hope" ...then, after the BT Results that you've Uploaded in the 1st Page of this Thread, maybe is the time to give to our Community a valid clue of Proofs in order to sustain what are you pretending : ....this will motivate us for sure!... Am i right ???

I'll not ask you for "Investor - Passwords" as i'm not that kind of person, but, just give us "something" from the "Real - World - of - Trading"... That's all !!!


Hi all,

I'm here to introduce an EA that is about to be released to the public : TickStorm.

TickStorm is the result of a 6 months team research and integrates a new approach in the art of ticks analysis.

The EA operation algorithm uses retracements velocity to decide if there is a trading opportunity or not.

These retracements are spotted by analyzing several ticks matrices on different periods of time and confronting them together in order to gain an edge over the market. We developped new tools to efficiently detect any unusual activity in the flow of thousands of variables.

We also created an original and adaptive closing process that kicks in as soon as a position is opened. It closes the biggest losing trades by zeroing them with a few winning positions under certain circumstances and even integrates our proprietary "Neutralizer Mode" in case of an erratic market movement.

The code has been heavily optimized to deliver blazing execution speed despite its complexity.

Check the screenshots for 99.90% modelling quality backtest results with realistic spread !

Warning : Because TickStorm works like a tick surgeon, high-quality database should be used to correctly backtest it. Keep in mind that forwardtesting is the best way to reveal its true potential.

TickStorm has been designed to trade GBPUSD M1 and EURUSD M1. Set files are provided (don't use default settings).

Requirements and recommendations
  1. It is recommended to use an ECN-broker with low spreads and a VPS
  2. Minimum Deposit = 500 currency units (50 for cent account)
  3. Minimum Leverage = 1:500

  • -----------------
  • Always On - if set to True, the EA works all the time
  • Star Hour -if "Always On" is set to False, indicate the starting hour
  • End Hour - if "Always On" is set to False, indicate the ending hour
  • -----------------
  • Spread Limit - set the maximum spread value allowed to initiate the first primary order
  • -----------------
  • Amplitude - define the sensitivity of the counter-measures
  • Iteration - define the numbers of bars up or down required before considering further analysis
  • Reverse - if set to True, invert the decision process
  • -----------------
  • News Filter - this section is self-explainatory. For this to work, you MUST add this adress to the allowed urls under "Tools/Options/Expert Advisors" : http://ec.forexprostools.com/
  • -----------------
  • Max Buy Position(s) - set the maximum number of primary Buy positions allowed
  • Max Sell Position(s) - set the maximum number of primary Sell positions allowed
  • Aux Buy Weight - define the sensitivity required to launch Buy counter-positions
  • Aux Sell Weight - define the sensitivity required to launch Sell counter-positions
  • Ultimate Buy Weight - define the sensitivity required to launch the last Buy counter-position
  • Ultimate Sell Weight - define the sensitivity required to launch the last Sell counter-position
  • Only One Batch - if set to True, the EA doesn't re-open positions before receiving another signal
  • Both Directions - if set to True, the algorithm is allowed to open Buy AND Sell primary positions according to the signals analyzed
  • Waiting For Main Closing - if set to True, the EA doesn't use the ultimate positions while primary position(s) is/are opened
  • Another Entry Rule - if set to True, adjust the opening process of the main positions
  • BreakEven Point - set the distance in pips required before moving the stop loss to BE
  • Trailing Point - set the distance in pips required before trailing the order(s)
  • Take Profit - set the distance in pips for the take-profit level
  • Stop Loss - set the distance in pips for the stop-loss level
  • Retries - define the number of times the EA will try to open/modify an order
  • Slippage - set the maximum slippage value allowed
  • -----------------
  • Main BUY Magic Number - set the BUY positions unique Magic Number
  • Main SELL Magic Number - set the SELL positions unique Magic Number
  • Aux Magic Number - set the Auxiliary positions unique Magic Number
  • -----------------
  • Testing - True will speed up the backtest process by disabling the interface and drawings

GBPUSD (2016-2017)

EURUSD (2016-2017)

Interface + Last Friday's Activity

Stay tuned !

UPDATE 1 : Here's a zip file containing a 0.01 lot limited edition + set files -> http://dl.free.fr/phPTFpD5s
UPDATE 2 : IMPORTANT - New set files for both pairs (The EA hasn't changed) -> http://dl.free.fr/jOFBWEkyP
I tried to emulate the EU test from post 1, with much less success than the original...

Hi Firewight !
The version provided in the first post is a free one limited to 0.01 lot for the main positions.
The full version integrates a Money Management in its algorithm and allows you to choose the size you want.
You can find it here : https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/20070
Best regards

thank you very much for this EA.
can i know if this EA is free and unlimited to use on a real account or no?

Hello aaaaaa hhhhh !
The EA available on this thread can be used undefinitly with any type of account. The only restriction is the initial lot size.
Kind regards
Hi ambrogio !

2 things come to my mind :

1- The pattern we spotted emerged at the end of 2015 and gain power during the first half of 2017.
2- You are using TDS. We used to do this until we detected a flaw into this software : tickstory.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1498&sid=11fd3092e0dbd9fffa8b7328c99fc20b

Best regards