if I judge by the photo im older than youChiedo scusa a te, potresti essere mio figlio, ma odio quelli che giudicano senza aver prima guadagnato davvero.
this morning I sold a license to a customer invited me to dinner in Geneva for this winter, my response was obviously happy to be there.
My work makes me enter with the utmost respect in families.
I repeat once again that in 2008 they tried to open my file succeeding in the enterprise but without doing anything because my system requires an IP with banking Push interface up to 26 levels of depth seeing the real CFD orders on EURUSD ... they have called him in very strange ways but fortunately today, whoever can tell them well is me and above all my clients. My team does assistance 24h what no one does.
That does not answer the question pannik asked. No offense!per essere più precisi siamo a 73 mln $ assistiamo ad oggi 302 clienti e siamo un team di 12 persone.
Professionisti !!!! ahimè a tutti con i soldi guadagnati dal duro lavoro !!!!!
It's too late, you 're funny!!