Dear Ronaldo, a few comments about your post:
1) I am not selling or promoting anything. So, I do not feel in obligation to prove anything. I simply shared a brief overview of results that I was getting from an experiment in a demo account, showing that, eventually, with new configurations and approaches, the EA was capable of generating impressive results, even knowing that the account can be blown the next day;
2) The fact that the graph shows the movement of a period, does not necessarily mean that there was an operation on a specific date (yesterday, for example...) as you have mentioned. Another point, how can you be so sure that I am using only "buys". As far as I know, there were two EAs shared (Buy and Sell);
3) As I clearly mentioned in my post, yes these results shown were under other parameters that I changed to experiment and see the results. This kind of experimentation and research is, in my vision, one of the aims of Soehoe, and I believe that each one of the members of this forum has the liberty to do it by them selves. If you prefer to "keep the recommendation of the author", no problem, It is your choice, go ahead.
First of all, I didn't say, that you promote here anything. But if you say it by yourself, you will have a reason for this, why you begin to defend yourself.
The version 2 of $haron is only buying. The version 1 of $haron is buying and selling, but the sells are not working and it lost for me more than one demo account.
If you don't post here your settings, why do you post here anything??? Who can use your comments in any way? I said here, that $haron ruins every account with the default setting. You say, that $haron is working, but you don't like to tell, which settings you are using. What you are doing, is CONTRAPRODUCTIVE. Instead of helping other traders, you are hiding your informations. Do you think, that anybody is believing you, if you hide your informations?
"Yes, I know, that it's working, but I don't tell you how"...Exactly this is, what you are doing here! Be proud of it, ok!! You are totally unfair with this behaviour. THINK ABOUT IT!
And btw I believe not one word, what you say. And you made this results not with $haron. And you are not a trader anyway. If you were a trader, you would not recommend this $haron. $haron in version 1 and 2 will ruin your account sooner or later, only a question of time. You can prove the opposite, but probably you are not able to prove it. Without prove you should not say, that it's working. Because some of the people here are using this crap probably in a life account and they will lose the account one day. Think about this and be more responsible than this MONODA, who was selling this crap to many people, took 500$ and then disappeared. MONODA was promising also a fixed procentual amount of win. This is unserious, as MONODA is not a serious person in my eyes, because he fooled many people with this "wonderful" product.
Here another screenshot of this "wonderful EA", how it is ruining another demo account...