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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)


Ea scalper sangat bagus jika kondisi mrket dalam situasi yang sideways masih mungkin memberikan profit
tapi bagus juga jika masih ada setingan yang cocok dan menggunakan risk management sebab kondisi market sangat fluktuatif, risk manajemen saya terapkan di akun mikro firewoodfx
Ada kontak w,a gak pak ? Pak saya udh masukin ea nya tapi hri ni gk ada open posisi knp ya pak
everybody look now my friends .. for real acc or demo change this .. !!!!

if (Digits == 3 || Digits == 5) Gi_208 = 10;
but is not 3 from 5 .. change 5 from 5 .. or your digits for yours broker
my broker its 5from 5 for GBPUSD EURUSD or USDCAD ..

Spread rulzz

spread its here on this code

f (StopLoss * Gi_208 > Gd_192) {
if (OrderSelect(G_ticket_132, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
while (!IsTradeAllowed()) Sleep(500);

Sleep 500 is spread .. 500 - 0.5 pip 1000 , 1 pip

on this code you have time frame and your trading value

if (str_len_36 > 6) str_concat_28 = StringConcatenate(StringSubstr(Symbol(), 0, 3), "USD" + StringSubstr(Symbol(), 6, str_len_36));
else str_concat_28 = StringConcatenate(StringSubstr(Symbol(), 0, 3), "USD");
iopen_20 = iOpen(str_concat_28, PERIOD_H1, 0);
if (iopen_20 <= 0.0) {

money managment for risk to auto lot double

(MoneyManagement) {
Ld_0 = NormalizeDouble(AccountEquity(), Li_8) * Risk / 102.0 / 100.0;
if (Ld_0 > Ld_12) Ld_0 = Ld_12;
the robot works perfectly on a real account for now I try it on two brokers for 4 days there is a profit of $ 300 on robo forex
I have a question I do not know whether it is allowed in a robot topic to ask for another but I would like to ask someone to have roadscalper in mq4 format there are settings that I would like to build in palling joss :)
I have a question I do not know whether it is allowed in a robot topic to ask for another but I would like to ask someone to have roadscalper in mq4 format there are settings that I would like to build in palling joss :)
Road Scalper ea in MQL5 Market can't decompiler to mq4
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Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Robo forex say : your spread is 2 pip but palling joss detect spred 4 pip because robo forex have 2 pip hidden float spread ..

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
;) good luck .. I search broker for real two pips spread and nothig another hidden bulshit

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps