eanya jarang ada sinyal kali ya gan, kalau sudah test berhari-hari tidak ada open posisi atau pending order dan sebagainya resikonya kecil juga nih gan no risk no gain dong jadinyaPunya saya g ada op knapa ya
eanya jarang ada sinyal kali ya gan, kalau sudah test berhari-hari tidak ada open posisi atau pending order dan sebagainya resikonya kecil juga nih gan no risk no gain dong jadinyaPunya saya g ada op knapa ya
is this priceaction ea ft result?
HOKKYDJONG will eventually blow a hole in your account. There are better EAs out there.Can anyone tellme, What file can be use?
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
whether it has been doing backtest and forward testHOKKYDJONG will eventually blow a hole in your account. There are better EAs out there.
The EA seems to be very profitable, but it generates few orders.Use this version.
Thank you, I'll try it.try this version, i did run it on normal pc (non vps) but always expired.
i found a great ea in another forum and will share it with you.
Please test it and share your setfiles.
Seems profitable!
View attachment 24663
View attachment 24662
Have fun!