I have two versions of EA Price Action. Both versions work without problems on MT4.
Feel free to test and optimize settings.
Good luck.[/QUO
Thank you for your share!
I have two versions of EA Price Action. Both versions work without problems on MT4.
Feel free to test and optimize settings.
Good luck.[/QUO
Thank you for your share!
Bagus itu gan dan itu memang sebaiknya backtest dulu, biasanya kan kalau backtest bagus dan tertarik di forward test juga, kalau hasilnya bagus maka perlahan namun pasti bisa dapat untung banyak tuhNyoba BT dulu om..
= "mohd azizul azlan, post: 128318, member: 3405"] To me, this ea price action only needs to enter "trailing stop" and also "autolot compounding" to work properly ... that's okay ... Ask Good services teman2 here who can coding ... bg perfect ea from friends radames ...Yes sure
Which version you used? can you share it bro!Very² profitable