The Indicator has an expiry date or we can use it forever?
Thanks Phil
COFXI have a doubt in ur screen shot profit showing 70, 310 but y it not showing 310.00,70.00
Normally it will be like that may I know what broker u using
silahkan d explore, defalut jg bisasetingan default kh??
Today I tried to make some trades with this indicator and I have to say with good results. I took only signals over level 25 (forex pairs) and level 15(DJ30,Nadaq,etc), TF M5. I tried it on live account (ActiveTrades). Every peak over 25(15) I took one position 0.01 lots. All my trades today ends in nice profit. If you use only small positions without overlavaraging i think it could work.Any one made trade with this indicator