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Suggestion Peak Indicator No Repaint

Hari ini, Rabu 8 Maret 2017 indi ini saya coba di real akun micro XM, TF H1. Kita lihat bagaimana hasilnya, masih valid kah?
Today, Wednesday, March 8, 2017 I try This indicator in real micro account XM, TF H1. We'll see what the results, still valid or not?
Hari ini, Rabu 8 Maret 2017 indi ini saya coba di real akun micro XM, TF H1. Kita lihat bagaimana hasilnya, masih valid kah?
Today, Wednesday, March 8, 2017 I try This indicator in real micro account XM, TF H1. We'll see what the results, still valid or not?

Ternyata indi ini repaint Bro, saya coba di GBP-USD TF H1 sempat muncul alert (Peak_Repaint01.jpg) dan hari ini Kamis, 9 Maret 2017 alert yang kemarin di repaint. (Peak_Repaint02.jpg)

I've tried this indi and that was repaint, as you can see in my pictures


  • Peak_Repaint01.jpg
    85.2 KB · Views: 997
  • Peak_Repaint02.jpg
    83.7 KB · Views: 977
Ternyata indi ini repaint Bro, saya coba di GBP-USD TF H1 sempat muncul alert (Peak_Repaint01.jpg) dan hari ini Kamis, 9 Maret 2017 alert yang kemarin di repaint. (Peak_Repaint02.jpg)

I've tried this indi and that was repaint, as you can see in my pictures
Tambahin ini gan untuk tao kalo itu peak atau nggak... ketika dia nggak lewat bintang bintang kalo peak(buy) Ask harus sama dengan nilai bintang merah, kalo peak (sell) Bid harus sama dengan Bintang biru candle berikut nya dibawah candle peak...


kalo saya indi nya biasa nya pake 3, CU_RS_V2, AutoFibonacci, WATR_Alert.... sebenernya mo tambah atu lagi cuma nggak bisa di pake di chart pro...

Mantap itu gabungan indi nya... ambil op nya juga simple kok gan
Sama sama.... pake tf 15 ya gan... kalo h1 muncul nya signal jarang.... ane pake signal itu dari 7 op surplus semua....

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This is my review for this thread:
indi paling bagus dari yg pernah sy coba.

kalau rule saya op saat ada puncak dan keluar saat sudah mencapai dasar lagi.

my review is
100% repaint, useless, forex is the biggest scam on man history not the forex system but the forex big traders n banks who make it a scam and the net with all her millions of useless indi and system and pro talking videos is the big prove, my last words dont trust anyone on the internet u dont know, if u need this try it till god exept that, if u dont need this fly with ur money away from thos words forex & trading
Thankyou bro for suggestion,
indeed sometime and might often reading amazing result but in fact not like as on reality
many big lie on internet if not carefully can trap on scamm