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Hi no I dont have the new version of 5Nitro. only the original. BTW I have 3 different settings and timeframes running overnight so cant wait to see what happens.
Hi thanks for the input. We are working on that as well as a few more options such as trailing stop loss.Hi david cooper
Playing around with the Scalp_PZLopezTrend.
Instead of setting fixed TP and SL level.
Would it be possible to open once/close when the trend change?
Think this could be great strategy for 1H
View attachment 45262
Hi DC, how did your different settings on the EA work overnight?Hi thanks for the input. We are working on that as well as a few more options such as trailing stop loss.
Your EA can be master piece if you could add support and resistance and ATR which will show volatality of market to take trade looks at attached picture its very good system time frame H1Lots of good trades but a few large loss trades so we are working on a trailing stop loss function that will limit View attachment 45340 this possibility
Hi, I have this option in new version and tested it already. It's profitable, but not so very much on the simple open/close order. It looks cool only in you picture (and big trend). You should analyse candle open/close price over longer time and will see there is the problem. We should use some tricks to lock profit before trend reversing - maybe trailing stop or smth. But now we are focusing on the first idea - scalping.Hi david cooper
Playing around with the Scalp_PZLopezTrend.
Instead of setting fixed TP and SL level.
Would it be possible to open once/close when the trend change?
Think this could be great strategy for 1H
View attachment 45262
Kim we already have this. If you look at the setting you can choose both of these.All right, understand.
Normally things are never as easy as they may seme, specially not in fx.
Let's hope the community can come up with some good combinations once the coding is done.
Are you also including option to have more than one trigger in order to open posion?
Example both trend change and specified strengt etc
No sorry I only have ex4david.do you have pzlopeztrend mq4 file?