please calm down MikeBlue, calm down brother

. Perhaps I was a little too harsh or too arrogant in my comment, I apologize

Well, I did Not "hijack" this thread at all. Just like you and hundreds of other people on this thread, everything I post is JUST a "comment/reply" on the thread. We were ALL invited, including **YOU**, by the originator of this strategy (Mohd Ridzuan), to contribute improvements into the strategy. In my posts/replies/comments you can see that I am doing exactly that. Even to this day, I **STILL** include Mohd Ridzuan's **ORIGIANL** template in my indicator collection. If I was hijacking this thread, I would have REMOVED ALL references and credit to Mohd Ridzuan and I would have changed the WHOLE topic to be about me. Just because I am contributing MORE/MANY things/improvements than other people, it does NOT mean that I am therefore now "hijacking" the thread. I **STILL** include Mohd Ridzuan's **ORIGIANL** template from PAGE 1 in **ALL** of my filter-indicator and template collections and across ALL their updates.
for EXAMPLE, if you open ANY of the templates in my template collection, in the README files, at the BEGINNING and at the VERY TOP of **EACH** template description, I write/say :
the Name of this template is
Mohd Ridzuan Holy Grail_5 June.tpl
from its name, we can tell that this is
Mohd Ridzuan Holy Grail template
of 5 June 2020
and then I go on to DESCRIBE in FULL more and more details about the template in question and how I packaged everything that I supplied with it
There is NO part of my filter-indicator collection where I am **FORCING** traders to USE ANY of the filter-indicators in my indicator collection, however there is SOME value in them, the CLEAN-UP work that I perform on MANY of them to fix the template problems in them is a LOTTTT of hard work and it takes a LOTTTT of hours in my day ! the TIME i have to spend ANSWERING questions with DETAILED answers and full sentences here on the thread is also a LOTTT of work and it takes hours out of my day, most people do NOT even have TIME/patience to do that ! I have to also make SURE that ALL of the indicators in my filter-indicator collection PROPERLY-integrate into the original strategy without REMOVING ANY of the CRITICAL/ESSENTIAL ingredients from the ORIGINAL strategy, i.e.
AutoFibo Trading Zones_1.ex4
Super Signal Scanner.ex4
Super Signal v3d.ex4
then after this i create "ready-to-use" standalone/separate templates for EACH indicator in my filter-indicator collection in order to AVOID the MESS and CONFUSION of having 10 filter-indicators ALL being MIXED into ONE template and then they get loaded ALL at the SAME TIME onto ONE chart when people load that template ! this is a LOTTTT of administrative hard work that requires CAREFUL and METICULOUS handling and then it must be followed by further HOURS of extensive testing and quality assurance to CHECK/verify that this process of improvement does NOT accidentally damage/mix-up ANYTHING !!
that is WHYYYY at the BOTTOM of ALL my TEXT files (description files) i write . . .
{{ NOTHING important has been REMOVED or TAMPERED with in this package . . . }}
In one of your posts you were complaining about a SERIOUS problem whereby Mohd Ridzuan shared with us a new template on 5 June 2020 and the template had 221 files in it . . . .
We can see here/above that you even asked for the template to be "narrowed down". I spent HOURS cleaning up that template to NARROW it DOWN so that it shows us ONLY the FOUR KEY indicators that **were SUPPOSED** to be shared by Mohd Ridzuan in that post. I cleaned it up by NARROWING it DOWN to ONLY **four KEY indicators** and **ALL of these FOUR** key indicators were originally from Mohd Ridzuan himself with NO extra indicator added by ME or by ANYONE else in my CLEANED-UP version of Mohd Ridzuan's template of 5 June 2020 !!! Instead of Mohd Ridzuan sharing with us **ONLY** those FOUR key indicators, he {mistakenly} shared with us 221 files, which I believe caused **YOU** and maybe MANY OTHER people to end up OVERWHELMED and complaining about the CONFUSION that it was causing as per your complaint above. I included my "cleaned-up" version of Mohd Ridzuan's 5 June template in my VERY NEXT release of my template collection LAST WEEK already with a NEWLY-created clean template that loads ONLY the FOUR key indicators that appeared on Mohd Ridzuan's chart of 5 June 2020, NO ONE ELSE here BOTHERED to do that => to sit down for HOURS and NARROW-down/clean-up the MESS and CONFUSION of those 221 files from in Mohd Ridzuan's template of 5 June 2020 exactly as per your REQUEST ! and I ALREADY included my "cleaned-up" version of it with a NEW/CLEAN template and a DETAILED description of the fact that ONLY FOUR indicators were supposed to be shared {by Mohd Ridzuan} in his new template share of 5 June. I already did ALL of that LAST WEEK, but I am Not sure if you are AWARE of that !!
With all due respect, I disagree with the claim that I provide text files with POORLY written English. You can see that I am constantly striving to improve the descriptions and wording of EACH template in my template collection. I do Not just throw my template collection at people and leave people "guessing" what they must do with each file/template. But yes, I do agree with you that I do Not provide the "RULES" on how to use the filter-indicators because I assume that most of these filter-indicators are already too simple and self-explanatory for ANYONE to use them since NEARLY 99.99% of them give a Blue/Green Color-or-Up-Arrow to indicate "Buy" or Red color/Down-arrow to indicate that you must "Sell". Furthermore, I do Not want ANY trader to be given STRICT or PRESCRIPTIVE rules on how he **should** execute this strategy. I want each trader to have the FREEDOM and FLEXIBILITY to choose and use ONLY the filter-indicators that he personally feels are suitable filter-indicators for him, and I want to leave it as a PERSONAL choice for each trader to choose HOW they should execute and make use of this strategy in a manner that BEST fits your personal situation and financial situation. If we create STRICT or PRESCRIPTIVE rules such as telling EACH TRADER that he **MUST** start with SAME MINIMUM BALANCE, use SAME BROKER, have SAME LEVERAGE, use SAME LOT SIZE and that ALL people **MUST** trade at SAME TIME OF DAY and take SAME POSITIONS on SAME pairs it will be HIGHLY UNFAIR, UN-realistic and VERY inflexible because PEOPLE naturally come from DIFFERENT backgrounds with different pockets and personal life situations !! So the freedom/flexibility for each trader to execute the strategy with SLIGHTLY-adapted rules {or SLIGHTLY-different choice of filter-indicators} that fit his PERSONAL situation is VERY VERY IMPORTANT !! As Sticky7 said => "Not every strategy fits every one . . . "
But please calm down brother. Perhaps I was a little too harsh or too arrogant in my comment, I apologize for that

. The intention was Not to get **you** offended. With patience and perseverance, you shall conquer !
Enjoy your weekend & God Bless