well, i ask the
AutoFibo Trading Zones_1.ex4
indicator to show me (draw for me) the Fibonacci Buy Zones and Sell Zones for the past TWO weeks
by setting it to
Fib_Period = 240
on H1 chart
or i can alternatively set it to
Fib_Period = 480
on M30 chart
or i can alternatively set it to
Fib_Period = 960
on M15 chart
ALL three settings above they are essentially the EXACT SAME thing/period ! remember I am Not a very robotic/rigid type of trader ! so i do Not use fixed / Non-changeable settings that must look the SAME-size as PERFECT squares and PERFECT rectangles every morning/day !! i want to be able to accommodate IMPERFECTIONS and small VARIATIONS !
now that
AutoFibo Trading Zones_1.ex4
indicator shows me the Fibonacci Buy Zones and Sell Zones, i **may** choose to use ANY filter-indicator of my choice as a Final Confirmation for ENTRY, but many times i Don't feel like using filter-indicators because i Don't want to hesitate for too long by waiting for TOO MANY confirmations because then i will end up entering TOO LATE after the price has already moved too much on ALL the charts !
it is UP to you if you trust filter-indicators then you can use them and WAIT for them to give you "final confirmations", but if you end up waiting the WHOLE day to get final confirmation from your filter-indicators then it was "your personal choice" to depend on filter-indicators and to spend your time WAITING whole day for the filter-indicators to give you final confirmations
if the price is in a Buy Zone, i simply prepare to Buy
if the price in a Sell Zone, i simply prepare to Sell
i look at almost ALL charts (32+) and i view each chart from the perspective of 2 or 3 timeframes. this allows me to determine the REVERSAL "priority" or probability of each currency and subsequently it becomes obvious for me to also FINALLY determine the pair(s) with the highest priority for me to trade for the day
i think the above ANSWERS your question in full
over and above your question however, there seems to be a LARGE number of novice traders who are looking for some type of a step-by-step procedural way of trading. It is as if they believe EVERYONE in the Forex market wakes up in the morning at the SAME time, switches on their computer at the SAME time, clicks the green button to activate the MONEY-making machine at 9am and by 5pm everyone is DONE (take profit hit)

. think about it . . . if it was such a dumb-OPERATIONAL process LIKE that . . . surely by now EVERYONE would be doing it and EVERYONE would be a millionaire

i REALLY wish i could write every little thing in a "childish" way or in a "step by step" way by saying
1. click the Yellow button on Left-corner
2. click the Blue button at bottom of screen
4. click the Ok button to close the window
but trying to do so it will ONLY lead to a HUGE number of OPERATIONAL instructions and then raise a LOTTTTT of further OPERATIONAL questions where there will be SO MANY people asking
"where is the Blue button sir" ??
"i Don't see it on my screen" !
"my screen is blank / black sir, how do i make it WHITE like yours" !
"there is NOTHING on my screen sir", etc, etc !
"i see NOTHING on my screen sir, is just EMPTY when i click", etc, etc !
so this topic will end up becoming a topic to teach people how to operate/use their personal computers and their mobile phones and it will also end up becoming a topic to teach people how to operate/use MT4 which is NOT a smart way to learn MT4 or to learn basic Forex operations
it is **Not** wise to learn for the FIRST time in your life how to apply an MT4 template during the time when you are already trading Live ! it is BEST if you have previously gone through the MT4 manual to get some BACKGROUND into ALL of these OPERATIONAL actions and procedures **BEFORE** you use/apply them in Live trading.
the PROPER way to REALLY learn MT4 is to spend some time just reading and going through its manual. If you want to learn EVERYTHING there is to know about using the MetaTrader4 Trading Platform, visit this website
You may also watch this video by Russ Horn (The Complete Guide to MetaTrader4)
If you want to learn EVERYTHING about using the MetaTrader5 Trading Platform, visit this website
the PROPER way to learn about Fibonacci levels and Buy Zones and Sell Zones is to do in-depth research on that topic alone on its own, so that you KNOW what you are trying to achieve with the concepts in it or at least you know what it is DESIGNED to achieve, rather than wanting to just click a button on the screen or you want to just put a SETTING into an indicator "blindfolded" while you DON'T even know or you DON'T CARE what the **PURPOSE** and the **EFFECT** of that setting is going to be !!
This morning I *mistakenly* viewed the charts using the wrong timeframe (M15) and the zones I was looking at were COMPLETELY wrong, but because i know what these zones are DESIGNED to indicate to me, i managed to CLEARLY tell that something was WRONG !! if on the other hand i was using this strategy in a "blindfolded" fashion and i didN'T care about the meaning of these Buy-Sell zones or what their purpose is . . . i would NOT even have realized that i am committing a BIG mistake ! And that mistake would remain UN-seen and result in a CATASTROPHIC loss for me. i was going to end up blaming Mohd Ridzuan and saying that i did EXACTLY what **He told me** to do but i Lost my money
so it is NOT wise to use any of the concepts of this strategy in a **blindfolded/robotic manner** just because SOMEONE ELSE is also using them !! you can see that Sticky7 has decided that he will NOT use the Stochastic oscillator as a filter-indicator even though Mohd Ridzuan originally suggested it as a filter-indicator. Sticky7 decided that he will personally "choose" to use the MACDScalper as his filter-indicator (final confirmation) and I believe there is a GOOD REASON why he personally chose to use that indicator as his filter-indicator. In my case i used the Aroon Oscillator as my favourite filter-indicator some weeks ago, but now recently i decided to No longer use ANY of the filter-indicators because i realized that waiting for filter-indicators was delaying my ENTRY and causing me to regret when i later see that the charts have ALL moved in the direction i originally predicted.
Here is some videos to give your background and orientation on the PURPOSE, MEANING and USE of Zones and Fibonacci Levels
How To Combine Zones with Fibonacci Part 1
How To Combine Zones with Fibonacci Part 2
Here is one of the BEST videos I ever watched which talks about Fibonacci levels (retracements and extensions)
How to use Fibonacci Retracement and Extension
i personally prefer to trade during the London session and the New York session because there is ENOUGH volume in the market and ALL OTHER traders in the world are awake and MOSTLY trading at that TIME.
i Don't prefer to have a trade open OVERNIGHT waiting for a TP to be hit tomorrow or 3 days later or next week because i CANNOT sleep at night when i Don't know what the outcome of my decisions is. i want to KNOW where i stand before i go to sleep and i Don't want to sleep praying or hoping that OTHER traders tomorrow they will take actions that will FAVOUR/support my trade by causing the chart/market to keep moving in my predicted/anticipated direction. it is a LOT of stress for me if i have to make a decision today to Buy EURJPY but i must now go to sleep and let OTHER people or other traders who were **NOT in the market** at the time i saw an opportunity to Buy EURJPY, now i must LET these OTHER people/traders to decide OVERNIGHT on the FATE of my trade !!!
when i trade DURING the London and New York session, i see the BIG moves on the chart and i can capitalize on the decisions that London and New York traders are **CURRENTLY taking** to influence the movement and direction of the chart AS I SEE IT NOW AT THAT TIME !!
what a LOT of traders fail to realize is that when trading is happening in the Forex market, you are Not trading between yourself and a CHART, you are also NOT trading between yourself and a COMPUTER, you are also Not trading between yourself and THE MARKET ! the trading that is happening in the Forex market is actually happening BETWEEN **PEOPLE** !! you are trading AGAINST other ***PEOPLE** in an effort to TAKE ALL their MONEY, and they yes of course they are ALSO trading in an effort to . . . . TAKE YOUR MONEY too !! Forex is a ZERO-sum game, the ONLY money you can make in Forex is the money that OTHER traders **MUST LOSE** to you !! there is NO money-tree in the Forex market. There is NO FREE money that is just SITTING there inside a Forex computer and it belongs to **NO ONE** and you can just come and Win/take/steal it from the MARKET !! It is **SOMEONE’s** money who deposited/put it there duh !!!!
so if i go to SLEEP and leave that trade open, the FATE of that trade is now resting in the hands of OTHER/UNKNOWN people who were **NOT there** when i originally opened that trade YESTERDAY !!!! these people they were NOT even part of the ANALYSIS i did when I observed that EURJPY chart AT THAT MOMENT IN TIME YESTERDAY ! therefore these people = New Zealand, Australian, Japanese/Tokyo traders, OVERNIGHT while i am asleep they may decide to REVERSE the chart in a DRAMATIC way and cause my trade to end up in a catastrophic loss or in a DEEP drawdown !! that is the REASON why i personally prefer to trade during the London session and the New York session