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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion My Holy Grail After 4 years of trading

Ok guys. Im out. I guess ill keep another additional filter that i currently use to myself since template shared leak.

Good luck guys
Dear I personally suggest not to quit, coz these things happen in life, u did something goood for everyone around and u will be rewarded too... I dont think quitting is the answer, i know its very frustrating specially for u after working for 4 years on it, even who is just using this for 4 days, im frustrated and angry with what happened! but I request you to think it over with calm peaceful mind again, we dont want u to quit to be honest and are here to support u in an way we can.

I would suggest u to create telegram group where ppl u know n trust , just let them join only, coz to control privacy in these forums is almost impossible, just coz of one guy doing a stupid thing, does not mean we should stop, thats my point.

Hope you re-consider your decision, stay blessed and safe.
I myself encounter this situation too. This is my first time looking into indi stratergies, i've once sharing a naked chart trading method that make quite a good profit and someone had been sold my stratergy in some marketplace online in pdf format. Such a bad habit. But we really cant take control of this. No matter how we try to be good, some asshole is going to take advantage of it. I really understand that feeling. Eventhough i am still in the progress to master up mohdridzuan system, more to learn i guess. Somehow, i will respect his will and decision. For now, let's at least practice and trade with whatever that already provided in here. Stay safe and good luck everyone.
Ok guys. Im out. I guess ill keep another additional filter that i currently use to myself since template shared leak.

Good luck guys
Thanks for the system. I have been able to make some profit and pay my rent arrears today out of the profit. It's really sad you have to end this empowerment journey here because of one selfish guy. I pray the system holds for longer and would be grateful if you could continue mentoring us on the system. Thank you mohdridzuan.
Hm. This is what happen when people try to do good deed. Now i hv to start all over again i guess since its just a matter of time broker countering it

Dude, aku follow thread ni sejak dari awal sampai skrg sbb nak kan ilmu. Jutaan terima kasih coz share trading strategy dgn kitaorg. PKP ni betul² menguji dan setidak² nya kau punya strategy give us a glimpse of hope utk terus cari duit tampung kehidupan. Nasi dh jadi bubur, nk punish si Marco Polo pun x guna..aku nampak byk yg support kau kt sini (termasuk aku). Giving up bermakna ramai yg akan keciwa x dpt manfaat kebaikan yg Allah Taala kurniakan. Harap kau consider utk guna platform lain (Telegram etc) utk kongsi ilmu dgn kitaorng. Maybe leh tapis / elak ketirisan maklumat yg kau dh paten kan.

Akan terus pantau thread ni sbg pembaca yg senyap. Aidilfitri pun sederhana ja coz baru nk mula apply trading strategi.
Am totally devastated by this development. How can u take someone's hardwork and post as if it is yours? And for what course? Just to gain fame or what?

For the first time i was glad i had found a system that would work for me.

Just a question though, can't Soehoe track this person down and blacklist him from this site forever?

For Sir Mohdridzuan, I also request you to set up a private group with invited members only. People who are like minded and who can contribute positively to the strategy.
Hm. This is what happen when people try to do good deed. Now i hv to start all over again i guess since its just a matter of time broker countering it
Dear Ridzuan, i have sent you a msg on private conversation, will be grateful if u can see it and reply.

This is my review for this thread:
Awesome Strategy + Gentle Methodology + Unique Concept .
Really much more happy i'm .
It's a first time in my life when i finished read out 39 page in couple of hour!
Special thanks strategy creator.
Allah Bless You & Your Family All-time.
Also send infinity love for your baby.
Dear Mohdridzuan thank you for all the information and this great system that you provided. unfortunately there are individualls that like to
Spoil it for other serious trader. I also agree with this. Don't give up. don.t let one bad apple spoil the basket. wishing you and your family all
Best and to all you serious trader good luck
mohdridzuan, thank you for your efforts. I want to leave you with this:

What is meant for you, will come to you. That is my sincere wish on your life.
God will bless you.
Guys all, finally decide to keep start with this beautiful in live from tomorrow. Basically currently i planning to start with CENT account. That's way i'll get some experience from it + establish believe section under myself in every new trading day. I try to keep sharing my result + entry + exit everyday basis. Hope everything going well as i realize after completely readout this thread from 1st page to current page. Yes it is true FOREX isn't hard as like we think! So keep money raining from coming day .
GOD Bless All.
And that's how the cookie crumble...

A good system soon to be targeted by brokers just because of stupidity and greed. Mohdridzuan's strategy was good on it's own, and he shared that with us so to boost our trading. By sharing his system he opened the door for improvements and that is where we were all heading, e.g, bp2000 implemented a scanner into the system... someone else was maybe going to propose something else to make the system more tight.... But that's all gone now just because of a selfish individual. I so wish there was a way of having SOEHOE kick him/her out of this website, track his/her IP and block it from ever entering here again.

Mohdridzuan God bless you, and we thank you for the opportunity you've given us.
Frankly speaking, no way to keep any system in private. There is always someone else who is going to use the damn fake account moving around internet and steal someone else hardworks. Initially, it meant to be share and help each others. Unfortunately, these kind of loser is not only for those badass, same goes to the person who is not willing to share their idealogy and knowledge. As mohdridzuan said in the thread, please do abandon other if you’re able to make profit out of the system. Somehow, i can see not everyone is practicing that good deed.. they only care what they can take , but not willing to give to others. Thumbs down to these kind of people. The owner is not giving up in trading, he just giving up sharing for public. Keep his privacy protected. Those who need help, feel free to ask. Jz help as much that we knw.
And that's how the cookie crumble...

A good system soon to be targeted by brokers just because of stupidity and greed. Mohdridzuan's strategy was good on it's own, and he shared that with us so to boost our trading. By sharing his system he opened the door for improvements and that is where we were all heading, e.g, bp2000 implemented a scanner into the system... someone else was maybe going to propose something else to make the system more tight.... But that's all gone now just because of a selfish individual. I so wish there was a way of having SOEHOE kick him/her out of this website, track his/her IP and block it from ever entering here again.

Mohdridzuan God bless you, and we thank you for the opportunity you've given us.

Very well said! MohdRidzuan showed the collective sharing spirit which benefited the entire community in Soe Hoe as a whole. His strategy will in time prove to be useful to many traders in this community, as can be seen from the reviews and feedback of winners who had applied the strategy. These are the real winners for their trading lives are much improved for the better. To say the sharing has opened the door for improvements is an understatement- because it led to the scanner and an EA in progress- and I'm sure more in the future. Giving up sharing in public is a natural move, seeing that someone in this community has chosen to break the rule or creed of the community to respect the wishes of the community. He or she does not belong here, as he or she did not respect the expressed aim of the sharer to keep things within this community. Worst, there was no recognition given to MohdRidzuan as to the originator of the strategy when it was posted elsewhere and certaintly no respect to this community as no referral to the source of the original post was made at all. That's pure low class. So at this time, let us all recognise MohdRidzuan for doing a good job. Syabas, kerana saudara telah memberi panduan dan prinsip trading kepada ramai trader di dalam Soehoe yang memberi kesan kepada kemahiran trading mereka. The world has become better as a result. To those who have ideas and further improvements, I think this is the time to continue the good tradition of sharing- to build upon the good work of MohdRidzuan. Offences from errant members and readers of this community will continue, and definately are not welcomed, but this should not impede our desire of sharing and helping anyone within this community. That's the way we keep the spirit of sharing and to recognise the good works of MohdRiduan by further improvement. We build and not destroy like the lurker who has leeched Mohdriduan strategy out of this community as requested.
Asalamualaikum mohdridzuan . I think your system is very good. I hope you'll create telegram group and help trader like us.