Dear I personally suggest not to quit, coz these things happen in life, u did something goood for everyone around and u will be rewarded too... I dont think quitting is the answer, i know its very frustrating specially for u after working for 4 years on it, even who is just using this for 4 days, im frustrated and angry with what happened! but I request you to think it over with calm peaceful mind again, we dont want u to quit to be honest and are here to support u in an way we can.Ok guys. Im out. I guess ill keep another additional filter that i currently use to myself since template shared leak.
Good luck guys
I would suggest u to create telegram group where ppl u know n trust , just let them join only, coz to control privacy in these forums is almost impossible, just coz of one guy doing a stupid thing, does not mean we should stop, thats my point.
Hope you re-consider your decision, stay blessed and safe.