mohdridzuan to sharing with us your system and your results. The system is good, the strategy is a little risky because it is based on zigzag. In general, when H1 shows the "X", you will have the same "X" also in M15 NECESSARILY. This because any HH or LL in H1 is the same in any other LTF. The unique filter with a zigzag system is to wait! There's no other indicator which can properly filter a zigzag.
In my opinion you can try like this (I take as example a BUY):
1. H1 showing "X" (in the blue zone is much better)
2. M15 necessarily showing "X" too (inside blue zone)
3. Don't buy this first "X", just wait!
4. M15 showing counter trend "X", meaning sell signal. Of course don't get it because H1 is on buy mode
5. M15 showing another "X" buy signal (which is the second one): HERE YOU BUY!
With this strategy you can avoid bigger DD and the "X" signal in H1 will be more reliable.
Instead, if you buy at the first "X" in M15, you are just buying the signal in H1, which is risky and completely wrong