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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion Mirror EURUSD USDCHF

Bisa c.
Btw input manual gmn?
Selama daily profit blm tercapai msh OP kq

Next update saya kasih tp in % dan stop loss in %

Sekaligus launch mirror hedging
logic hedging gimana bro? aapakah kalau salah posisi atau gimana
sebenernya ea yang terakhir udah bagus bro
logic hedging gimana bro? aapakah kalau salah posisi atau gimana
sebenernya ea yang terakhir udah bagus bro
ane lupa.. yang versi ini apa yang blm saya rilis disini.
ada dua logic.
1. langsung OP sesuai OP awal
2. OP sesuai signal tren EC kemana
ada pilihannya di input

Logic ea ini masih sama kya versi lama cuma ane ketik dari 0 dan penambahan 2 MA dan fitur hedgng avg marti
Last edited:
[QUOTE = "Trancexe, post: 81 973, member: 3839"] Regards WD Consistent.

I want to share a simple EA made based system mirrors Pair EURUSD and USDCHF.

From creatornya * I really do not know who (if there is one in soehoe I want you so credit to him) to make rules OP current daily distance between the pair EURUSD and USDCHF is at least 20.

This distance is derived from benchmarking Long Candle Daily EURUSD and USDCHF. Such as at 10:00 GMT + 3 Pair Candle long EURUSD and USDCHF 550 600 pip pip. The difference is 50 pips. Well if the difference is more than 20 then it should ea OP.

The next Rules

1. EURUSD> USDCHF then take a position reversal of the movement of EURUSD pair (if in system movement in H1, but I simplify in D1)

a. If the EU Bullish then this would ea OP Sell the EURUSD and USDCHF Pair

b. If the EU Bearsih then this would ea OP Buy the Pair EURUSD and USDCHF

2. EURUSD <USDCHF then take a position in the direction of movement of the EURUSD pair (if in system movement in H1, but I simplify in D1)

a. If the EU Bullish then this would ea OP Buy the Pair EURUSD and USDCHF

b. If the EU Bearsih then this would ea OP Sell the EURUSD and USDCHF Pair

I share this ea free with reservation.

The requirement is a minimum of every month there are 5 people who give a report to this thread regarding the development of the use of this mirror ea. If there are already five people who made the report so I gave ea that I extend useful life.

Why should I give sayarat?

Because I need the feedback to the development of this technique. And I do not want to develop ea that even make its loss.

I am also a newbie. I never felt the loss of thousands of $. Therefore I do not want kawan2 feel the same way.

Minimal with feedback given. For the newbie who will be using this ea can get an overview of this mirror the performance of EA.

Well .. please to download this ea.

** Note: please try the demo first in *** [/ QUOTE]
logic aslinya bisa seperti ini gan... dan yg hedgeing msi blm sesuai dgn ini..
jadi klo saya baca rulenya.. OP hedging terbuka bersamaan dengan OP lawan yang sudah close.
BBSS.. BB close profit.. OP BB SS lagi.. gitu?
tanpa menghiraukan Stepnya berapa pip?
dan TP nya adalah 10-15 pip?
Mirror Trancexe V 3.26 && Mirror Hedging v2
Trancexe Mirror v.3.26 MirrorTrancexe.ex4
Update Minor Bug

Trancexe Hedging Mirror v.2 Trancexe Mirror Hedging.ex4 sesuai dg rules Rahman hidayat
OP BBSS, close BB maka OP BBSS, close SS maka OP BBSS.
tapi ini akan menjadi lingkaran setan yang ga akan pecah. sehingga saya masukan Mode WD.
Mode ini bekerja jika ModeWd==true / Jam trading berakhir.
contoh. OP BBSS.. ModeWd == true/ hour trade terlewati.. BB close.. OP SS (Hanya jika PipToAvg terpenuhi) sampai OP tersisa clear dan tidak OP lagi sampai hour trade

Trade at Your Own Risk! Jaga MM sebaik2nya


akun untuk trial mirror v 3 sampai stable.
hasil tidak wow tapi signal semakin akurat
rata2 hold floating cuma 3 jam
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