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gan bisa buatin ea copy trade ga gan?
EA copy trade di sini sudah ada gan ini postingan dari soehoe, silahkan dilihat-lihat saja. tapi pemakaiannya hanya khusus untuk pengguna socialvps aja katanya sih.gan bisa buatin ea copy trade ga gan?
siap bu aisahok gan terima kasih , bls PM saya ya
Bantu Indi saja,signal dari indi ini berdasarkan,agan Abimanyu bisa minta tolong buatkan EA dengan Rule seperti ini ya:
TradeSosialFX Keystone
- Smart & Safety Strategy with Clean & Professional Coding.
- Minimal Deposit 100 but for the best 1000 USD with 0.01 Lots or Risk MM 1%.
- Work well with all most Brokers.
- Work with 4-digit and 5-digit quoting.
- Support: NDD, ECN, STP, NFA Regulated.
- Trade for All Pairs with M30 Chart.
- Take Profit 30 pips or use otomatic closed by EA
Features in Parameter
- SmartMagic = TSFX2016; [Magic Number]
- SmartDayTrade = True; [hari trading EA akan melakukan OP, jika dipilih True hanya Senin S/d Kamis. Jika dipilih False maka hari Trade OP EA setiap hari 24/7 selama VPS msh tetap hidup/posisi EA ON]
- SmartOpenTrade = true; [bila PO tersentuh dan mendapatkan profit/plus, EA tetap melakukan transaksi seperti biasa berdasarkan signal dari settingan yg digunakan dan mengabaikan posisi yg profit plus/yg tlh ada, mengikuti batas dari MaxLevelOpenTrades jika maksimal OP sdh tercapai EA tdk akan OP kembali]
- UseSmartMMPercent = false; [bila menggunakan Management Resiko, UseSmartMMPercent = true]
- SmartMMPercent = 1.00; [Management Resiko dalam persen, Lot yg akan digulirkan berdasarkan perhitungan persen dari Modal, misal Modal $500, maka 1% nya 0.01 lot bisa dilihat di MMRisk excel]
- UseSmartRiskPercent = false; [bila menggunakan Management Resiko, UseSmartRiskPercent = true. Bila terjadi kerugian yg dibatasi EA sdh tidak akan melakukan OP kembali, EA akan OP kembali bila ada perintah berdasarkan SmartMMPercent = true, bila Modal mencukupi EA akan melakukan OP kembali]
- MaxRiskPercent = 50.0; [maximal risk ratio to lose, jika sdh kehilangan 50% dari Modal EA tdk transaksi kembali, EA akan berhenti total untuk transaksi]
- LotOpenTrade = 0.01; [bila OP menggunakan lot keinginan sendiri, UseSmartMMPercent = false]
- ProfitablePoints = 100; [utk membatasi keuntungan TP]
- LoseablePoints = 55; [utk membatasi kerugian SL]
- MaxLevelOpenTrades = 4; [maximal open trades position]
- MaxTimeOrderHours = 0; [maksimal jam transaksi/trading berlangsung, jika waktu sdh tercapai maka EA akan berhenti total]
- MaxTimeOrderMinutes = 0; [maksimal menit transaksi/trading berlangsung, jika waktu sdh tercapai maka EA akan berhenti total]
- PendingExpireHour = 5; [expired for pending order if use PO, jika waktu sdh tercapai maka EA akan membuang PO]
- PendingOrderLevel = 35; [for pending order distance, jarak pengambilan PO]
- UsePendingOrders = true; [untuk menggunakan fungsi order PO]
- UseTrailingOrders = false; [for trailing stop order baik OP maupun PO]
- TrailingOrders = 15; [utk jarak trailing stop order baik OP maupun PO]
- UseMartingaleTrades = false; [jika digunakan UseMartingaleTrades = true, maka EA akan melakukan martingale pengkali lot sebelumnya, lot yang terakhir sedang bergulir x Multipliercoefficient]
- Multipliercoefficient = 1.0; [if UseMartingaleTrades = true, if false so trade didn't use this, utk pengkali lot sebelumnya]
- MartingalCoeffLevel = 25; [jarak pengambilan transaksi selanjutnya pada Martingale sistem]
- UseMultiTradeOnLoss = false; [jika terjadi kerugian dalam dollar, EA akan melakukan cutloss semua transaksi]
- MultiTradeOnLoss = -75; [utk membatasi kerugian dalam dollar, EA akan melakukan cutloss semua transaksi]
- UseSmartCloseSignal = true; [close semua order baik OP dan PO menggunakan signal dari indikator yg tlh ditentukan, ini berfungsi jika TP tidak tersentuh]
- OpenRecoveryOrders = false; [bila terjadi kerugian maka EA akan melakukan OP dgn lot yg sama pd OP sebelumnya utk mengcover kerugian pada jarak tertentu, tdk menggunakan martingale sistem, mengikuti batasan dari MaxLevelOpenTrades]
- RecoveryCoeffOrders = 25; [jarak pengambilan transaksi selanjutnya Non-Martingale sistem]
- CloseLosablePoints = 55; [bila terjadi kerugian dalam poin, EA akan melakukan cutloss]
- CloseProfitablePoints = 5; [bila terjadi keuntungan minimal dalam poin, EA akan melakukan penguncian minimal profit poin]
- SmartZoneFilter = true; [jika menggunakan filter indikator signal, filter indikator dari Ichimoku ZB CloudMatrix, Ichimoku ZB CloudLines, dan ZB CloudCandles]
- SmartRSIFilter = true; [menggunakan filter dari indikator RSI]
- SmartRSIPeriod = 14; [Period utk indikator RSI]
- SmartADXFilter = true; [menggunakan filter dari indikator ADX]
- SmartADXPeriod = 14; [Period utk indikator ADX]
- SmartCCIFilter = true; [menggunakan filter dari indikator CCI]
- SmartCCIPeriod = 14; [Period utk indikator CCI]
- SmartCloudLinesFilter = false; [menggunakan filter dari indikator Ichimoku ZB CloudLines]
- SmartCloudMatrixFilter = true; [menggunakan filter dari indikator ZB CloudMatrix]
- SmartCloudCandlesFilter = true; [menggunakan filter dari indikator ZB CloudCandles]
- EMACrossOverSignal = false; [hanya menggunakan signal dari indikator berdasarkan perpotongan antara EMA, EMA 5, 12, 75, 200]
- EMACrossWidthCandles = 1; [hanya menggunakan signal dari indikator berdasarkan perpotongan EMA 5 dengan Candle]
- UseReverseSignal = true; [menggunakan signal dari semua indikator secara keseluruhan, Non-indikator Ichimoku ZB CloudLines]
TradeSosialFX Keystone is a Position Trading System with Advanced Money Management Strategy, which stays in the market 24/7 and trades semi-simultaneously long and short with using Multi Strategy Indicators. Trades are Opened as the Instant Orders - No Pending Order. TradeSosialFX Keystone uses Smart Trending System for analyses the market conditions. This unique feature allows TradeSosialFX Keystone to maximize your profits and minimize the drawdown. All trading orders opened are assigned individual stoploss levels and will be managed by Advanced TrailingStop and CloseOrder by Signal. TradeSosialFX Keystone has great assortment of Smart & Safety Trading, for long period of development which make profitable strategy over a long period of trading.
Buying Logic
- When the "5-day EMA (fast)" Moving Average crosses or above the "75-day EMA (slow) and 200-day EMA".
- wnen the "75-day EMA (slow)" Moving Average crosses or above the 200-day EMA".
- the ADX value is greater than 25.
- the RSI value is greater than 70.
- the CCI value is greater than 160.
- the PSAR, ZB CloudLines, MACD are Up Signal.
- the ZB CloudMatrix is green.
- Buy trade is opened.
PO Buying Logic
- When the "5-day EMA (fast)" Moving Average crosses or above the "75-day EMA (slow) and 200-day EMA".
- the ADX value is greater than 25.
- the RSI value is greather than 70.
- the CCI value is greater than 160.
- the PSAR, MACD are Up Signal.
- the ZB CloudMatrix is green.
- PO Buy trade is opened.
Closed Buying Logic
- when the "5-day EMA (fast)" Moving Average crosses or below the "12-day EMA".
- the PSAR are Down Signal.
- ZB CloudMatrix is green.
- the RSI value is greather than 45 but smaller than 55.
- all PO and OP Buy trade is closed.
Selling Logic
- When the "5-day EMA (fast)" Moving Average crosses or below the "75-day EMA (slow) and 200-day EMA".
- When the "75-day EMA (slow)" Moving Average crosses or below the 200-day EMA".
- the ADX value is greater than 25.
- the RSI value is smaller than 30.
- the CCI value is smaller than -160.
- the PSAR, ZB CloudLines, MACD are Down Signal.
- the ZB CloudMatrix is red.
- Sell trade is opened.
PO Selling Logic
- When the "5-day EMA (fast)" Moving Average crosses or below the "75-day EMA (slow) and 200-day EMA".
- the ADX value is greater than 25.
- the RSI value is smaller than 30.
- the CCI value is smaller than -160.
- the PSAR, MACD are Down Signal.
- the ZB CloudMatrix is red.
- PO sell trade is opened.
Closed Selling Logic
- when the "5-day EMA (fast)" Moving Average crosses or above the "12-day EMA.
- the PSAR are Up Signal.
- the ZB CloudMatrix is red.
- the RSI value is greather than 45 but smaller than 55.
- all PO and OP sell trade is closed.
Indicator use
- EMA 5
- EMA 10
- EMA 75
- EMA 200
- ADX Period 14 Apply to Close value Levels 25
- RSI Period 14 Apply to Close value Levels 30, 45, 55 and 70
- CCI Period 14 Apply to HLC/3 value Levels 160 and -160
- MACD Fast 12 Slow 26 SMA 9 Apply to Close
- Ichimoku ZB CloudLines, Tenkan 8, Kijun 24, Senkou 48, Draw Tenkan, Kijun, Chikou is False and Draw Kumo is True
- Ichimoku ZB CloudMatrix, Tenkan 8, Kijun 24, Senkou 48, Signal Arrow is False and maxBars is 2000
- ZB CloudCandles, Tenkan 8, Kijun 24, Senkou 48 and maxBars is 2000
Bantu Indi saja,signal dari indi ini berdasarkan,
signal MACD,RSI,ADX,P-SAR dan CCI berdasarkan logic yang di sampaikan,
biar ngak pusing duluan ngelihatin Template.
Bantu Indi saja,signal dari indi ini berdasarkan,
signal MACD,RSI,ADX,P-SAR dan CCI berdasarkan logic yang di sampaikan,
biar ngak pusing duluan ngelihatin Template.
makasih om atas indi nya
om bisa minta yg mq4 nya ga, matur nuhun klo dikasih.
//| Keystone-Histogram.mq4 |
//| Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|,https,https |
#property version "1.00"
#property copyright "SoeHoe"
#property link ""
#property description "Free!! Click Copy Right to Get More"
#property indicator_minimum 0
#property indicator_maximum 1
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property strict
input bool ucci=1;//Use CCI
input int ccip=14;//CCI Periode
input bool ursi=1;//Use RSI
input int rsip=14;//RSI Periode
input bool uadx=1;//Use ADX
input int adxp=14;//ADX Periode
input bool upsar=1;//Use P-Sar
input bool umacd=1;//Use MACD
input color U=LimeGreen;//Up Color
input color D=Red;//Down Color
input color NS=Silver;//No Sig Color
double ExtBuffer0[];
double ExtBuffer1[];
double ExtBuffer2[];
//| |
void LABEL(string name,string fontname,int besarfont,int jarak_X,int jarak_Y,color a_color,int corner,string text)
if(ObjectFind(name)<0) ObjectCreate(name,OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0);
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int OnInit()
LABEL("gmail","Californian Fb Italic",10,10,5,clrMaroon,3,"[email protected]");
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
const int prev_calculated,
const datetime &time[],
const double &open[],
const double &high[],
const double &low[],
const double &close[],
const long &tick_volume[],
const long &volume[],
const int &spread[])
int i,limit;
double adx,cci,rsi,sar,macd,macd1;
for(i=1; i<limit; i++)
adx = iADX(NULL,0,adxp,0,0,i);
rsi = iRSI(NULL,0,rsip,0,i);
cci = iCCI(NULL,0,ccip,0,i);
sar = iSAR(NULL,0,0.02,0.2,i);
macd = iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,0,0,i);
macd1 = iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,0,1,i);
if(((uadx && adx>=25) || !uadx) && ((ucci && cci>=160) || !ucci) && ((ursi && rsi>=70) || !ursi) && ((umacd && macd>macd1) || !umacd) &&
((upsar && sar<close[i]) || !upsar))ExtBuffer0[i]=1;
else if(((uadx && adx>=25) || !uadx) && ((ucci && cci<=-160) || !ucci) && ((ursi && rsi<=30) || !ursi) && ((umacd && macd<macd1) || !umacd) &&
((upsar && sar>close[i]) || !upsar))ExtBuffer1[i]=1;
else ExtBuffer2[i]=1;
Code://+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Keystone-Histogram.mq4 | //| Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //|,https,https | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property version "1.00" #property copyright "SoeHoe" #property link "" #property description "Free!! Click Copy Right to Get More" #property indicator_minimum 0 #property indicator_maximum 1 #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 3 #property strict input bool ucci=1;//Use CCI input int ccip=14;//CCI Periode input bool ursi=1;//Use RSI input int rsip=14;//RSI Periode input bool uadx=1;//Use ADX input int adxp=14;//ADX Periode input bool upsar=1;//Use P-Sar input bool umacd=1;//Use MACD input color U=LimeGreen;//Up Color input color D=Red;//Down Color input color NS=Silver;//No Sig Color double ExtBuffer0[]; double ExtBuffer1[]; double ExtBuffer2[]; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void LABEL(string name,string fontname,int besarfont,int jarak_X,int jarak_Y,color a_color,int corner,string text) { if(ObjectFind(name)<0) ObjectCreate(name,OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0); ObjectSetText(name,text,besarfont,fontname,a_color); ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_CORNER,corner); ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,jarak_X); ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,jarak_Y); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { LABEL("gmail","Californian Fb Italic",10,10,5,clrMaroon,3,"[email protected]"); IndicatorShortName("Keystone-Histogram"); IndicatorBuffers(3); SetIndexBuffer(0,ExtBuffer0); SetIndexBuffer(1,ExtBuffer1); SetIndexBuffer(2,ExtBuffer2); SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_HISTOGRAM,0,3,U); SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_HISTOGRAM,0,3,D); SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_HISTOGRAM,0,2,NS); //--- return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const datetime &time[], const double &open[], const double &high[], const double &low[], const double &close[], const long &tick_volume[], const long &volume[], const int &spread[]) { //--- int i,limit; double adx,cci,rsi,sar,macd,macd1; limit=rates_total-prev_calculated; limit=(limit<1)?2:limit=limit; for(i=1; i<limit; i++) { adx = iADX(NULL,0,adxp,0,0,i); rsi = iRSI(NULL,0,rsip,0,i); cci = iCCI(NULL,0,ccip,0,i); sar = iSAR(NULL,0,0.02,0.2,i); macd = iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,0,0,i); macd1 = iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,0,1,i); if(((uadx && adx>=25) || !uadx) && ((ucci && cci>=160) || !ucci) && ((ursi && rsi>=70) || !ursi) && ((umacd && macd>macd1) || !umacd) && ((upsar && sar<close[i]) || !upsar))ExtBuffer0[i]=1; else if(((uadx && adx>=25) || !uadx) && ((ucci && cci<=-160) || !ucci) && ((ursi && rsi<=30) || !ursi) && ((umacd && macd<macd1) || !umacd) && ((upsar && sar>close[i]) || !upsar))ExtBuffer1[i]=1; else ExtBuffer2[i]=1; } return(rates_total); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+