1 I did not put here to say ,,,""mine is longer"" but only to warn ,,how it must be a strategy tester ,,before buying an expert and putting it into real account
2 I don't work mt4 but jforex from Ducascopy ,,,I just look at the strategy in mt4 ,but put order into ducascopy
It's free x opened account ,, and you can have 14 days for free so you see the HUGE gap between mt and professional BROKER no no no mt4 scam broker
3 the first few weeks you do not multiply the lot ,,so you'll have a ridiculous dd
4 I have never put this expert in real because after 3 days you have virtual dealer
THE SAME company THE SAME COMPANY OK ''' THAT RENTING MT4 (METAQUOTES CIPROS ) SELL the plug-ins to cheat people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Incredible !!!
and nobody says anything nobody here talks about it
no forum talks about this mt4 = guarantee all you're money burned stay away from mt4
even wonderful expert strategy are turned into garbage ,, because sure the broker put plug in into you're real account ,,after 1 or 2 day he sees you to work in scalper mode < 7 minute