• Welcome back! Thank you for being a part of this Traders Community. Let's discuss and share :)
    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion J M P

Gunakan di TF 60 menit atau 1 jam, gunakan akun CENT... 10.0000$CENT
_EA = ______ JOKOWIN MEGA PROFIT______
Magic = 123
Use_MM_Auto_Lot = 1
Lot_Risk = 1
LOTS = 0.1
TakeProfit = 10
TP_In_Money = 1.0
SL_In_Money = 0.0
_TIMEFILTER = _______ TIME FILTER _______
Use_TimeFilter = 1
StartTime = 00: 00: 00
EndTime = 23: 59: 00
saya minta maaf kalau ada yang margin call
semoga sukses... semua
iam sorry if you margin call... i hope you are lucky
Ada ada saja nih pake nama jokowin untuk nama sebuah ea
tapi ya turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya kawannya yang memberikan ea ini,
semoga semua juga pada profit, tapi apa harus pake vps kalau digunakan di sesi london bisa gak
Ada ada saja nih pake nama jokowin untuk nama sebuah ea
tapi ya turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya kawannya yang memberikan ea ini,
semoga semua juga pada profit, tapi apa harus pake vps kalau digunakan di sesi london bisa gak

ya memang begitu lah Sang pembuat Ea memberi nama. demi menaikan rating Jokowi pada saat pilkada DKI pertamanya.
memang sebaiknya menggunakan vps. dan jangan lupa demi profit jangan terlaku kecil. usahakan antara take profit 30 s / d 50 poin karena khawatir akan terjadi trend berkepanjangan...
Semoga sukses

ya memang begitu lah Sang pembuat Ea memberi nama. demi menaikan rating Jokowi pada saat pilkada DKI pertamanya.
memang sebaiknya menggunakan vps. dan jangan lupa demi profit jangan terlaku kecil. usahakan antara take profit 30 s / d 50 poin karena khawatir akan terjadi trend berkepanjangan...
Semoga sukses

Gunakan TP 10 untuk menghindari banyaknya grid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
your strategy tester sucks ,, how is it possible you do not understand ?? modelling quality shit

average profit min 2 /,, 3 average loss eample average profit 10 loss 4
profit trader must be > 75 % loss trader 20,,, 25 % maxim !!!
profit factor min 2 / 4 /6 no 1,xxx hahahahahaahah
max drawdown 50 % hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha
this EA is trash'' garbage EA :blush::blush:

look at the file attach your's must be similar tester before to put it in real account

Mr. Spacca, we really appreciate all your efforts in order to share a bit of your knowledge and forex experience with the Soehoe members.
Also, I noticed that you are very impressed with the performance of the EA which BT you have attached to your post.
Regarding the results shown on this nice BT, I would like to make a question.
What would happen to a trading account running this EA, under the same conditions of the BT, if the market conditions that generated the maximal drawdown of $1184.88 occur, for example, along the first week of trading, moment in which the balance of the account probably is not very far from the Initial Balance of $50.00 ?
Last edited:
1 I did not put here to say ,,,""mine is longer"" but only to warn ,,how it must be a strategy tester ,,before buying an expert and putting it into real account
2 I don't work mt4 but jforex from Ducascopy ,,,I just look at the strategy in mt4 ,but put order into ducascopy
It's free x opened account ,, and you can have 14 days for free so you see the HUGE gap between mt and professional BROKER no no no mt4 scam broker
3 the first few weeks you do not multiply the lot ,,so you'll have a ridiculous dd
4 I have never put this expert in real because after 3 days you have virtual dealer

THE SAME company THE SAME COMPANY OK ''' THAT RENTING MT4 (METAQUOTES CIPROS ) SELL the plug-ins to cheat people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Incredible !!!
and nobody says anything nobody here talks about it
no forum talks about this mt4 = guarantee all you're money burned stay away from mt4
even wonderful expert strategy are turned into garbage ,, because sure the broker put plug in into you're real account ,,after 1 or 2 day he sees you to work in scalper mode < 7 minute


  • 11.1.13DL.png
    112.9 KB · Views: 81
1 I did not put here to say ,,,""mine is longer"" but only to warn ,,how it must be a strategy tester ,,before buying an expert and putting it into real account
2 I don't work mt4 but jforex from Ducascopy ,,,I just look at the strategy in mt4 ,but put order into ducascopy
It's free x opened account ,, and you can have 14 days for free so you see the HUGE gap between mt and professional BROKER no no no mt4 scam broker
3 the first few weeks you do not multiply the lot ,,so you'll have a ridiculous dd
4 I have never put this expert in real because after 3 days you have virtual dealer

THE SAME company THE SAME COMPANY OK ''' THAT RENTING MT4 (METAQUOTES CIPROS ) SELL the plug-ins to cheat people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Incredible !!!
and nobody says anything nobody here talks about it
no forum talks about this mt4 = guarantee all you're money burned stay away from mt4
even wonderful expert strategy are turned into garbage ,, because sure the broker put plug in into you're real account ,,after 1 or 2 day he sees you to work in scalper mode < 7 minute
1 I did not put here to say ,,,""mine is longer"" but only to warn ,,how it must be a strategy tester ,,before buying an expert and putting it into real account
2 I don't work mt4 but jforex from Ducascopy ,,,I just look at the strategy in mt4 ,but put order into ducascopy
It's free x opened account ,, and you can have 14 days for free so you see the HUGE gap between mt and professional BROKER no no no mt4 scam broker
3 the first few weeks you do not multiply the lot ,,so you'll have a ridiculous dd
4 I have never put this expert in real because after 3 days you have virtual dealer

THE SAME company THE SAME COMPANY OK ''' THAT RENTING MT4 (METAQUOTES CIPROS ) SELL the plug-ins to cheat people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Incredible !!!
and nobody says anything nobody here talks about it
no forum talks about this mt4 = guarantee all you're money burned stay away from mt4
even wonderful expert strategy are turned into garbage ,, because sure the broker put plug in into you're real account ,,after 1 or 2 day he sees you to work in scalper mode < 7 minute

Hello, would you please coment with us if you have had any experience of converting an EA mq4 code to Jforex code (Java) ?
I searched in the Dukascopy site but have not find anything about.
In fact, I think that in the past they used to release a converter, but I don't know if it is still available.
1 I did not put here to say ,,,""mine is longer"" but only to warn ,,how it must be a strategy tester ,,before buying an expert and putting it into real account
2 I don't work mt4 but jforex from Ducascopy ,,,I just look at the strategy in mt4 ,but put order into ducascopy
It's free x opened account ,, and you can have 14 days for free so you see the HUGE gap between mt and professional BROKER no no no mt4 scam broker
3 the first few weeks you do not multiply the lot ,,so you'll have a ridiculous dd
4 I have never put this expert in real because after 3 days you have virtual dealer

THE SAME company THE SAME COMPANY OK ''' THAT RENTING MT4 (METAQUOTES CIPROS ) SELL the plug-ins to cheat people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Incredible !!!
and nobody says anything nobody here talks about it
no forum talks about this mt4 = guarantee all you're money burned stay away from mt4
even wonderful expert strategy are turned into garbage ,, because sure the broker put plug in into you're real account ,,after 1 or 2 day he sees you to work in scalper mode < 7 minute
sir do u know ea coding ?
This is my review for this thread:
perfect ea , but if you can add something to stop your ea before news
This is my review for this thread:
perfect ea , but if you can add something to stop your ea before news
Today will there are several news high impact, once of on the list is ECB President Draghi Speak might influenced on euro
eurusd yesterday start to bearish strong, hopefully still continue
I just downloaded the robot, I'll do the tests, in a few days I'll say it's really good or not. is there any observation or some clarification that will make it more effective? or just install it?