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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion I will code your proven good strategy in to EA

Dear Tanaka, while I'm Back Test this EA_Stochastic divergence.ex4 , I have receive error message all the time...

2023.05.30 03:49:16.671 cannot load 'C:\Users\saint2545\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\AC699DE519388DA6A82335C9CD38E506\MQL4\Experts\EA_Stochastic divergence.ex4::Indicators\!stochastic divergence mtf + alerts + arrows.ex4::Indicators\!stochastic divergence mtf + alerts + arrows.ex4'
2023.05.30 03:49:16.671 cannot load resource 'C:\Users\saint2545\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\AC699DE519388DA6A82335C9CD38E506\MQL4\Experts\EA_Stochastic divergence.ex4::Indicators\!stochastic divergence mtf + alerts + arrows.ex4::Indicators\!stochastic divergence mtf + alerts + arrows.ex4'
Dear Tanaka, while I'm Back Test this EA_Stochastic divergence.ex4 , I have receive error message all the time...

2023.05.30 03:49:16.671 cannot load 'C:\Users\saint2545\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\AC699DE519388DA6A82335C9CD38E506\MQL4\Experts\EA_Stochastic divergence.ex4::Indicators\!stochastic divergence mtf + alerts + arrows.ex4::Indicators\!stochastic divergence mtf + alerts + arrows.ex4'
2023.05.30 03:49:16.671 cannot load resource 'C:\Users\saint2545\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\AC699DE519388DA6A82335C9CD38E506\MQL4\Experts\EA_Stochastic divergence.ex4::Indicators\!stochastic divergence mtf + alerts + arrows.ex4::Indicators\!stochastic divergence mtf + alerts + arrows.ex4'

Please use this indicator.



I have a simple but profitable DAX strategy for someone to code, I've attached an example from the previous day where the long entry resulted in 15 pts and the short entry resulted in 135 pts and I have many other examples like that where this results in big winners

The logic is based directly on Trader toms advanced school run strategy he's a multi million dollar 20yr veteran trader with his roots developed from Larry Pesaventos mentorship as well as a strong following of Al Brooks teaching

For the logic:

You simply watch the 4th bar on 5min chart form which gives you the breakout price range (range between 715-720 GMT just after Frankfurt open)

If price breaks below we sell short / above we buy, with options for trailing stop with variable start and step values and auto lot function option based on the stop loss which will be placed opposite side of the established price range plus the spread

We would like to have the option to add to winning trades with option for distance between additional orders

We would like to see the option to increase lot size by a % for each additional order

We would like to see the fixed take profit option able to somehow manage multiple orders as well as the trailing stop with the ability to manage all open orders

The robot can only take one long and one short signal per day, however each signal could generate multiple open orders with the optional settings for adding to winners

We would like to see the order to be entered the precise instant price crosses the specified range threshold, this has been an issue for the robot we have made currently and maybe we just need someone who can look with fresh eyes


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This is the logic I got from mql4programmer.com but it doesn't work

/* Input Parameters */

input int EntryHour = 7; // Hour to scan for trades

input int EntryMinute = 20; // Minute of hour to scan for trades

input int BarsToScan = 1; // Number of previous bars to scan

input double RiskPercent = 1; // Lot size based on % risk

input double MaxLotSize = 10; // Maximum lot size used for trades

input double LotSize = 0.01; // Fixed lot size used for trades

input bool UseFixedLotSize = false; // Option to use fixed lot size instead of risk %

input double LotSizePercentIncrease = 10; // % increase for lot size when adding to winning trades

input double DistanceBetweenOrders = 10; // Distance between additional orders in points

input int StopLoss = 50; // Fixed stop loss in points

input bool UseTrailingStop = true; // Option to use trailing stop

input int TrailingStart = 20; // Trailing stop start in points

input int TrailingStep = 20; // Trailing stop step in points

input int StopBuffer = 2; // Buffer added to stop loss

input bool ShowMaxFloatingLoss = true; // Option to show max floating loss on screen

input bool ShowProfit = true; // Option to show profit on screen

input bool ShowWinPercentage = true; // Option to show win percentage on screen

input bool ShowConsecutiveWins = true; // Option to show consecutive wins on screen

input bool ShowConsecutiveLosses = true; // Option to show consecutive losses on screen

input int GMTOffset = 0; // GMT offset for broker time (in hours)

/* Global Variables */

double Lots;

double StopLossPrice;

double TakeProfit;

double LastTradePrice;

double FloatingProfit;

double MaxFloatingLoss;

double RiskAmount;

int NumberOfWinningShortTrades;

int NumberOfWinningLongTrades;

int ConsecutiveWins;

int ConsecutiveLosses;

/* Trading Functions */

void OpenPosition(int type) {

int ticket;

if (type == OP_SELL) {

ticket = Sell(Lots);

LastTradePrice = Bid;


} else if (type == OP_BUY) {

ticket = Buy(Lots);

LastTradePrice = Ask;



if (ticket > 0) {

if (UseTrailingStop) {

if (type == OP_SELL) {

// Set initial trailing stop for sell trade

SetTrailingStop(ticket, LastTradePrice - TrailingStart * _Point, TrailingStep * _Point);

} else if (type == OP_BUY) {

// Set initial trailing stop for buy trade

SetTrailingStop(ticket, LastTradePrice + TrailingStart * _Point, TrailingStep * _Point);



// Set stop loss and take profit levels for the trade

SetStopLoss(ticket, StopLossPrice);

SetTakeProfit(ticket, TakeProfit);



void ClosePosition(int ticket) {

// Close the trade

if (ticket > 0) {



// Reset trade variables

LastTradePrice = 0;

FloatingProfit = 0;

StopLossPrice = 0;

TakeProfit = 0;

// Update consecutive wins/losses counter

if (ticket > 0) {


ConsecutiveLosses = 0;

} else {


ConsecutiveWins = 0;



/* Event Functions */

void OnTick() {

int hour = TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) - GMTOffset;

int minute = TimeMinute(TimeCurrent());

int allowedHour = EntryHour - GMTOffset;

int allowedMinute = EntryMinute;

// Only scan for trades at specified time

if (hour != allowedHour || minute != allowedMinute) {



// Calculate the breakout price range

int barsBack = BarsToScan + 1;

double rangeLow = Low[barsBack];

double rangeHigh = High[barsBack];

for (int i = barsBack; i > 0; i--) {

if (Low < rangeLow) {

rangeLow = Low;


if (High > rangeHigh) {

rangeHigh = High;



// Check for sell signal

if (Bid < rangeLow) {

// Calculate lot size

if (UseFixedLotSize) {

Lots = LotSize;

} else {

RiskAmount = AccountBalance() * RiskPercent / 100;

Lots = RiskAmount / StopLossPrice / 10000;

if (Lots > MaxLotSize) {

Lots = MaxLotSize;



// Calculate stop loss and take profit

StopLossPrice = rangeHigh + StopBuffer * _Point;

TakeProfit = Bid - (StopLossPrice - Bid) * 2;

// Open sell position

if (OrderType() == -1) {

// Close existing sell trade if present

int ticket = OrderTicket();

if (ticket > 0) {



} else {




// Check for buy signal

if (Ask > rangeHigh) {

// Calculate lot size

if (UseFixedLotSize) {

Lots = LotSize;

} else {

RiskAmount = AccountBalance() * RiskPercent / 100;

Lots = RiskAmount / (Ask - StopLossPrice) / 10000;

if (Lots > MaxLotSize) {

Lots = MaxLotSize;



// Calculate stop loss and take profit

StopLossPrice = rangeLow - StopBuffer * _Point;

TakeProfit = Ask + (Ask - StopLossPrice) * 2;

// Open buy position

if (OrderType() == -1) {


} else {

// Close existing buy trade if present

int ticket = OrderTicket();

if (ticket > 0) {






void OnTrade() {

int ticket;

double openPrice;

double closePrice;

double lotSize;

int type;

// Loop through all trades and update floating profit

for (int i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++) {

if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {

ticket = OrderTicket();

openPrice = OrderOpenPrice();

lotSize = OrderLots();

type = OrderType();

if (type == OP_SELL) {

if (UseTrailingStop) {

// Update trailing stop for sell trade

SetTrailingStop(ticket, openPrice - TrailingStart * _Point, TrailingStep * _Point);


if (Bid < openPrice) {

// Close sell trade due to opposite signal


} else {

// Update stop loss and take profit for sell trade based on average open price

FloatingProfit += (openPrice - Bid) * lotSize;

StopLossPrice = openPrice + (FloatingProfit / OrdersTotal() - StopBuffer * _Point);

SetStopLoss(ticket, StopLossPrice);

SetTakeProfit(ticket, LastTradePrice - (StopLossPrice - LastTradePrice) * 2);


} else if (type == OP_BUY) {

if (UseTrailingStop) {

// Update trailing stop for buy trade

SetTrailingStop(ticket, openPrice + TrailingStart * _Point, TrailingStep * _Point);


if (Ask > openPrice) {

// Close buy trade due to opposite signal


} else {

// Update stop loss and take profit for buy trade based on average open price

FloatingProfit += (Ask - openPrice) * lotSize;

StopLossPrice = openPrice - (FloatingProfit / OrdersTotal() + StopBuffer * _Point);

SetStopLoss(ticket, StopLossPrice);

SetTakeProfit(ticket, LastTradePrice + (LastTradePrice - StopLossPrice) * 2);





// Add to winning trades if distance between orders is reached

if (FloatingProfit >= DistanceBetweenOrders * OrdersTotal() * _Point) {

if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {

// Add sell order below current market price

int ticket = Sell(Lots * (1 + LotSizePercentIncrease / 100.0), 0, Ask - DistanceBetweenOrders * _Point, 0, 0, 0);

LastTradePrice = OrderOpenPrice();

FloatingProfit = 0;

} else if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {

// Add buy order above current market price

int ticket = Buy(Lots * (1 + LotSizePercentIncrease / 100.0), 0, Bid + DistanceBetweenOrders * _Point, 0, 0, 0);

LastTradePrice = OrderOpenPrice();

FloatingProfit = 0;



// Update max floating loss

double floatingLoss = AccountBalance() - (FloatingProfit + Profit());

if (floatingLoss < MaxFloatingLoss) {

MaxFloatingLoss = floatingLoss;



void OnInit() {

// Set variables initial values

LastTradePrice = 0;

FloatingProfit = 0;

MaxFloatingLoss = 0;

NumberOfWinningShortTrades = 0;

NumberOfWinningLongTrades = 0;

ConsecutiveWins = 0;

ConsecutiveLosses = 0;

// Calculate stop loss price buffer as points

StopBuffer = StopLoss / _Point;


void OnDeinit(const int reason) {

// Print statistics on screen when EA is closed

if (reason == REASON_REMOVE || reason == REASON_CHARTCHANGE || reason == REASON_ACCOUNT) {

if (ShowProfit) {

int("Profit: ", NormalizeDouble(Profit(), 2));


if (ShowMaxFloatingLoss) {

Print("Max Floating Loss: ", NormalizeDouble(MaxFloatingLoss, 2));


if (ShowWinPercentage) {

Print("Winning Short Trades: ", NumberOfWinningShortTrades, "%\n");

Print("Winning Long Trades: ", NumberOfWinningLongTrades, "%\n");


if (ShowConsecutiveWins) {

Print("Consecutive Wins: ", ConsecutiveWins);


if (ShowConsecutiveLosses) {

Print("Consecutive Losses: ", ConsecutiveLosses);




I have a simple but profitable DAX strategy for someone to code, I've attached an example from the previous day where the long entry resulted in 15 pts and the short entry resulted in 135 pts and I have many other examples like that where this results in big winners

The logic is based directly on Trader toms advanced school run strategy he's a multi million dollar 20yr veteran trader with his roots developed from Larry Pesaventos mentorship as well as a strong following of Al Brooks teaching

For the logic:

You simply watch the 4th bar on 5min chart form which gives you the breakout price range (range between 715-720 GMT just after Frankfurt open)

If price breaks below we sell short / above we buy, with options for trailing stop with variable start and step values and auto lot function option based on the stop loss which will be placed opposite side of the established price range plus the spread

We would like to have the option to add to winning trades with option for distance between additional orders

We would like to see the option to increase lot size by a % for each additional order

We would like to see the fixed take profit option able to somehow manage multiple orders as well as the trailing stop with the ability to manage all open orders

The robot can only take one long and one short signal per day, however each signal could generate multiple open orders with the optional settings for adding to winners

We would like to see the order to be entered the precise instant price crosses the specified range threshold, this has been an issue for the robot we have made currently and maybe we just need someone who can look with fresh eyes
tanaka akiko

Hi Tanaka my old friend, can you gave a deep look at this strategy? because it is worth..
Please implement in the template already, the SELL BUY Limit at the block extreme and the SL at the block opposite.. eventually... put a trailing system too and stop trading not after xy time.. so if the price range many hours in the range of the block.. the ea dont open like a stupid always a trade :)

Thx in advance my old friend
and as a risk management.. better to setup the EA so... not only based on Balance.. but based on the SL.. to lose max 1% of the balance.. so if one trade goes wrong.. you know.. you can lose only 1% of your balance... if you put lotsize based on Balance... but the SL one time 20 pips.. you lose X USD... but if the SL is 60 pips.. because the block is big.. you lose 3times X USD... and that you can burn fast your account
and as a risk management.. better to setup the EA so... not only based on Balance.. but based on the SL.. to lose max 1% of the balance.. so if one trade goes wrong.. you know.. you can lose only 1% of your balance... if you put lotsize based on Balance... but the SL one time 20 pips.. you lose X USD... but if the SL is 60 pips.. because the block is big.. you lose 3times X USD... and that you can burn fast your account

What EA is it?
What EA is it?
and when i try to backtest your Frankfurt EA... after it take 1 trade.. it isnt opening anymore new trade... better is.. if cross BUY or SELL... he has to take both... both trades has SL.. also no problem.. and the winning one.. will be squeezed out with the trailing system
and when i try to backtest your Frankfurt EA... after it take 1 trade.. it isnt opening anymore new trade... better is.. if cross BUY or SELL... he has to take both... both trades has SL.. also no problem.. and the winning one.. will be squeezed out with the trailing system

it may be stopped out is why it only takes one trade possibly, what risk settings are you using? You really cant rely on that robot because it doesnt enter at the target line, you never know how far away it will enter from the signal. Many times the breakout will result in a small long position and a big short position winner or the opposite of this with some kind of trailing logic enabled, and the current edition of the ea frankfurt robot will not take both signals, nor will it place the stop at the opposite end of the specified price range so we are forced to used a set sl dist. The best we can do with it for now is run it on m1 so it enters on the next 1min candle close, but that can still be 10 or 40 points away from the signal price... still needs tuning and my previous posted backtests are totally unreliable due to very short timeframe and just a curve fit which means nothing for future conditions unfortunately.
Once we can get the operational characteristics tuned we can start to optimize for other indices and even for other forex pairs etc, any instrument deserves a good backtest with this strategy, breakouts are a very popular option to trade the market open..

ForexFiv works similarly however it doesnt have the option to set a specified entry time etc... all the logic is pretty locked down...
Sell trade would be active good for 35 pts

Today's potential for Dax 4th bar breakout strategy:
106pts long
35pts short and counting



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