I use clear SL/TP... main options for me COS and LOT2X
(I use 20-25 TP, SL as 80 (but only with COS, it helps to avoid SL anyway) and Lot2X)
Anotherway, small sl as 25 - but cos disabled.
But I suppose, main idea that helps - check the past activity on each pair ( I use to take
5-9 past signals) and if it was well - I use that pair, if signals were bad - just stop.
I use to take 5 pairs, but start trading on 1-3 based on past picture. Also, normally 3-4
trades on each pair. I cant add all this thing into sets, at least - the latest one - so... I do
some manual efforts, which are quite simple.
>Original version is still there, I'm share just updated version by requests.
>Full source with VIDEO and details:
>(clear download link - and full explanations)