It is set to Jan 1 18 but free tickstory data only goes back a year, so I checked the charts and I see nothing that will blow an account Jan 2018, why I asked him what settings, the RECOMMENDED is .03 on 28 pairs plus xau for a 10k acct, I run it much higher than that with incredible results but I am aware of the pitfalls and accept risk.
I ran it for weeks starting .02 on a $200 std ecn acct, and had a 60% dd, or $145, but it tripled the acct, it was $200 and I didn't mind risking, this EA has passed many stress tests so much better than any other EA I have tested. During his free demo period this EA made me far more than the 500 yearly rental so I didnt mind paying for it...
I have learned about building a balance quickly if you are running an automated algorithm, you can survive much more dd if you get started fast and hit some big trades successfully, BUT, there's always two sides to it, it can also blow up, either way many times I have found that after an ea blows up it can end up at a higher balance than conservative settings will reach, not always but it's statistics and probabilities... I don't run a live acct quite that crazy past $500 or $1000 but it can work... Sometimes