He says it will expire 3-15-19 demo only :-(
i just installed the ex4 of the easistan english version and it works fne no dll dependencies at all the signals are coded into the ea no templates required
bummer its only demo bc its working on live acct right now but in a big drawdown gbpaud unfortunately about 30% it does seem like a clear top its picked just averaging in pretty agressively....
hamster (my modded settings) seems better in therms of gross quick profit on the gbpusd m30 tp170 6rsi 70 30 and 5 atr setting 21-3 gmt +2 working hours autolot .62 lot maxlot 100 its even working on small acct $200 making 25% in one night very optimized for current conditions
but i like the idea of diversifying on all pairs but we all know all indicators are not universal they say in their pdf usd pairs work best
is it true it will expire in less than 10 days? then we need a not expiry version, if someone knows the author