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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)
! EA_YK_Filter_News

Tested ! EA_YK_Filter_News 2.7

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udah pernah coba real MC
demo dululah biar ndak jantungan jilid 2.

widiihh ada jilid nya juga ya gan hehehe

Saya pake ea ini dari tgl 14 januari lalu... sampe hari ini.. alhamdulillah aman-aman saja, lewati beberapa badai.. menginap berhari2 dan berakhir profit..

ane bru 2 hari gan pasang ea nya,,,doakan tumbuh kembang si akun cent nya gan,,,,;)
saya pakai EA ini MC, mungkin karena setting lot kebesaran
USUL: bagaimana kalau dibalik logikanya, averaging-nya saat sesuai arah, jadi floating-nya tidak besar
saya pakai EA ini MC, mungkin karena setting lot kebesaran
USUL: bagaimana kalau dibalik logikanya, averaging-nya saat sesuai arah, jadi floating-nya tidak besar
Saya masih kurang paham permintaanya. Boleh lebih jelas apa maksudnya mas? maaf :(

Hello Soe, is it possible to make one function in this EA? I think it could be good to have some value to increasing/decreasing MM by %. Now, when i set MM=true so MM make by itself size of position. I would like to tell to MM to open a little different size of position.

For example: Now I have account with 10000 cent and MM start with 0.25 lots. I want to start with 0.35 or 0.29 lots. Now it's not possible to do it, I think. I can start with 0.35 but with MM=false but it's now what I want.

Is't clear?
Hello @David Kamarad , i have set your post as suggestion. Please make it more clear:

Set MM in percent? How does this setting work? If we set it to 25% than what it means?
Saya masih kurang paham permintaanya. Boleh lebih jelas apa maksudnya mas? maaf :(

Hello @David Kamarad , i have set your post as suggestion. Please make it more clear:

Set MM in percent? How does this setting work? If we set it to 25% than what it means?

As I wrote. For example. Now i have cent account with 10000 cent ($100). If I set MM=true so EA ignore value "Lots=0.5" and start with 0.25lot (for example). If we set new MM value to 25% it will make correction to 0.25/4=0.0625lot. If I set new MM corecction value to 150% so start lot will be 0.25*1.5=0.375. Is it more clear now?
if you set MM true that automatlly set for the lot, even you set 0.1 lot or higher the lot made auto with MM, if you want set lot as you want just make MM is false so you can change the lot manual...
maksudnya begini pak:
averaging martingale yang buat MC pak, karena counter trend
jadi kalau averaging-nya searah trend sekalipun martingale maka akan lebih aman
begitu maksud saya pak

Saya masih kurang paham permintaanya. Boleh lebih jelas apa maksudnya mas? maaf :(

Hello @David Kamarad , i have set your post as suggestion. Please make it more clear:

Set MM in percent? How does this setting work? If we set it to 25% than what it means?
if you set MM true that automatlly set for the lot, even you set 0.1 lot or higher the lot made auto with MM, if you want set lot as you want just make MM is false so you can change the lot manual...

I think that you don't understand well what I want. I want MM to calculate lot but I want to tell to MM that I want a little more or less. If I set MM=true so MM ignore value "lots" and do what it wants. And I don't want to have MM=false and set Lots manually because with increasing account I have to change it continously.
nah ini salah satunya yang saya maksud pak @SoeHoe , karena open posisi yang salah arah itu lebih besar lot-nya dibanding dengan yang searah.
kalaupun harus cut loss artinya pengguna harus memiliki ilmu dan mental yang lebih untuk cut loss. karena menurut saya robot bisa membantu mengatasi permasalah tersebut pak ( ilmu dan mental)
jika penjelasan saya kurang jelas akan saya coba kasih gambar dari entry posisi saya yang MC
lumayan membantu kalo di cutloss
Kayaknya EA YKFN ditambahkan target harian...akan lebih bagus ya jadi gak perlu takut lah MC kalo lagi pas news GEDE...misal modal 500 dg seting default dari YKFN kalo kita set target 5% daily maka EA akan stop OP dan start OP lagi keesokan harinya...karena sy liat seting default dari YKFN cukup mumpuni di market sideway. artinya kita set lot agak gede sehingga target lebih cepat terpenuhi dan langsung stop trading. gimana kira kira kalo gitu
Kagak ada cut lossnya gan

Maafkan nubie ini mungkin yang dimaksud rekan david kamarad adalah menambahkan fungsi perhitungan ke dalam EA, jika menggunakan MM=true dan more=?% lot hasil itungan MM ditambahkan prosentase tersebut ato pips begitu juga sebaliknya untuk less
maaf nubie mau tanya, mengapa setelah EA dimasukkan tetep tidak open new position yah?
akun 50$ dijadikan cents. broker insta. 4 digit. mungkin senior sekalian mau bantu?
ada tulisan "this EA is out of trading hour"

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As I wrote. For example. Now i have cent account with 10000 cent ($100). If I set MM=true so EA ignore value "Lots=0.5" and start with 0.25lot (for example). If we set new MM value to 25% it will make correction to 0.25/4=0.0625lot. If I set new MM corecction value to 150% so start lot will be 0.25*1.5=0.375. Is it more clear now?
Have you set ketahanan value with mm= true..? I think this is what you want with this ea mr. @David Kamarad ;)