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Suggestion EA Waygrow - profit konsisten unlimited

usul..bagi pemakai ea TR hasil oprekkannya agan yonif klo profit udh lebih 100% bisa ngasih donasi nya ke agan yonif.. ane siap..tp skrg msh minus tp mulai kembali balance nya.. hhehhe
setuju banget ............... tapi ane belum nyedot ea TR nya, boleh dong ngerasain
semangat2,.. kita cari ijo2,.. smoga konsisten,.. amin

post a picture
ane kirim akun TK ke inbox agan gak masuk ya
1000 lot money management updated forex robo(EA)new updated waygrow

hello friends,
i got this EA one of my friend.he has updated the way grow setting.in that he has added some filters and ma method and env period method and pivot point methods.i have this ea only.u can use it any time frame.i dont know what is the best setting.i know lot of genius friends are here in this forum.so please find the best setting and tell me.we all are here to earn money only.so please friends lets all become millionare...have a happy millionare trading..
thanks and support me friends..
my mail id:


1000 lot money management updated forex robo(EA)new updated waygrow

hello friends,
i got this EA one of my friend.he has updated the way grow setting.in that he has added some filters and ma method and env period method and pivot point methods.i have this ea only.u can use it any time frame.i dont know what is the best setting.i know lot of genius friends are here in this forum.so please find the best setting and tell me.we all are here to earn money only.so please friends lets all become millionare...have a happy millionare trading..
thanks and support me friends..
my mail id:

Thanks Kumar
1000 lot money management updated forex robo(EA)new updated waygrow

hello friends,
i got this EA one of my friend.he has updated the way grow setting.in that he has added some filters and ma method and env period method and pivot point methods.i have this ea only.u can use it any time frame.i dont know what is the best setting.i know lot of genius friends are here in this forum.so please find the best setting and tell me.we all are here to earn money only.so please friends lets all become millionare...have a happy millionare trading..
thanks and support me friends..
my mail id:
saya coba FT di live demo EA ini di broker lokal dengan komisi kecil, dan spread fix 5 di market indeks nikkei dan hangseng..

hasil tes awal banyak loss akhirnya saya kepikiran kenapa tidak saya balik command nya .. yg tadinya buy stop jadi sell stop dan begitu sebaliknya

lalu agar lebih aggresive saya double lagi command nya jadi buy stop sell stop sekaligus .. tapi follow tren, bukan counter tren

pertanyaannya, lebih aman counter tren atau follow tren ya ?

karena hasil backtest tidak bisa diandalkan, berbeda jauh dengan hasil forward test.. cari2 settingan nya juga ga mudah..

barangkali teman2 ada yg mau coba EA WG versi edited ini... aggresive buy stop sell stop follow tren ...

kalau berhasil, share settingannya ya...

saya baru tes di market indeks nikkei dan hangseng .. krn tidak ada spread melar, fix 5 spreadnya dan komisi 0.75 .. jadi kinerja ea terjaga..

broker lokal

If the filter into ivolume again would be nice ;)
thanks ,,,, more versions :ok:
u r welcome wahyudi......please find the best profitable setu file...if u do backtest u can see it will trade more losses..but the profit is higher than the losses...but i couldnt find the better setting..please find the best setting and share with here...soehoe members get benefits...

thanks for the support
1000 lot money management updated forex robo(EA)new updated waygrow

hello friends,
i got this EA one of my friend.he has updated the way grow setting.in that he has added some filters and ma method and env period method and pivot point methods.i have this ea only.u can use it any time frame.i dont know what is the best setting.i know lot of genius friends are here in this forum.so please find the best setting and tell me.we all are here to earn money only.so please friends lets all become millionare...have a happy millionare trading..
thanks and support me friends..
Thx Bro
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Nanya para suhu2 dsni, apa ea waygrownya masih work dibroker biru? Kebetulan sy sdh lama pake broker biru, tp manual aja, ga pernah pake ea. Mau coba pake ea ini. Mohon pencerahannya para suhu2. Trims sblmnya