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Receh brp gan.. Coba gnti pke akun yg ECN pke modal kecil ttp bisa OP..
agan udah coba pake yg ECN ya? udah sukses jalan EAnya? btw, hasilnya gimana untuk EA ini di enes? ThxReceh brp gan.. Coba gnti pke akun yg ECN pke modal kecil ttp bisa OP..
oi bang, kok nama ea nya trend reversal, dalemannya beda pula, ini gimana wkwkwkwkwkbaru 1 hari kog blm bs di analisa,.. myfxbook cara buatnya gmn ya? wkwkwkwkwk,.. akunnya aman g klo di share gt?
klo filter 70 brusan open tu yak?yup,.. rencananya bakal bikin trit baru khusus pengembangan dr EA waygrow,.. jd kita bs sama2 belajar + mengembangkan jg,.. hhehe..
EA waygrow ni jenis ea scalper sejati yg paling banyak di kembangkan selain million dollar pips,.. jd kalo ada pemikiran baru monggo di share, ntar cb lbh dkembangin lagi biar lbh profittable ,.. hhe,.. syukur2 kalo bs dipake di semua broker (berharap),.. wkakakakak
don't give up to soon man, did you use hidden tp / sl?After testing and testing live for a few weeks and lots of different brokers and account types,
standard and ECN, i gave up.
Nothing worked so far for me in live testing, and i can not understand why.
All the back tests i have done are giving superb results, and yet this is the only EA i have tested so far live,
that gives me so many losses....
Still have not figured out why, since so many of you, are getting good results![]()
i m sorry to hear that bro.... as far as i know this ea only work on Octa Fx, but sometimes Octa wont pay ur profitAfter testing and testing live for a few weeks and lots of different brokers and account types,
standard and ECN, i gave up.
Nothing worked so far for me in live testing, and i can not understand why.
All the back tests i have done are giving superb results, and yet this is the only EA i have tested so far live,
that gives me so many losses....
Still have not figured out why, since so many of you, are getting good results![]()
dan sekarang udah gk bisa lagi bro di octa,udah di kasi slippage sekarang tuh octofxi m sorry to hear that bro.... as far as i know this ea only work on Octa Fx, but sometimes Octa wont pay ur profit
beneran bang itu di tickmill???kok saya lihat di ss sama sekali ga ada slippage...bukanya tadi malem juga ada gejolak harga....tp kok di ss bersih ga ada slippage...bukanya ga percaya,tp krn sy prnh nyoba tickmill pada jam asia malah,filter di kurangin tp ttep az ada slippage...look like work good for me in tickmill ecn pro,.. but not only with waygrow standart script but EA trend Reversal,..,..
buruan di buat thread nya bang, share ea reversalnya biar mantaph!agan pke akun jenis ap di tickmill? aq pke ecn pro...trs pke EA ap? ne bukan waygrow loh,.. tp trend reversal,.. lha buktinya g kna slipage,.. ada tanggal open posisinya itu,..
saya juga g pke waygrow,pke ea pribadi tp sama2 scalper....agan pke akun jenis ap di tickmill? aq pke ecn pro...trs pke EA ap? ne bukan waygrow loh,.. tp trend reversal,.. lha buktinya g kna slipage,.. ada tanggal open posisinya itu,..
pke acc ecn pro jg,dan bukan waygrowagan pke akun jenis ap di tickmill? aq pke ecn pro...trs pke EA ap? ne bukan waygrow loh,.. tp trend reversal,.. lha buktinya g kna slipage,.. ada tanggal open posisinya itu,..
pake trend reversal juga? -_-saya juga g pke waygrow,pke ea pribadi tp sama2 scalper....
pke acc ecn pro jg,dan bukan waygrow
tp klo yg didemo jngan tanya bro....di fxboost sy masuk top tradernya....pake trend reversal juga? -_-
gw di tickmillg ak masuk trader of the month karna deposit juga cumak $100,tp anehnya klo pke TP ga pernah slippage positif...????
tp klo yg didemo jngan tanya bro....di fxboost sy masuk top tradernya....![]()