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Suggestion EA Waygrow - profit konsisten unlimited

Only one time WD. I have one demo and one live account. I will test WD every week if will be profit. Everytime with bigger pack of money. What is RVD?
but, you need to keep your eyes to your account if you still using the old account.
cause of, if you already took 100% from that account, the broker potentially screw up your account. the account gonna be suffering a lot of slippage and raising spread..
rvd markets: https://www.rvdmarkets.com/en
Do you think ticmill has the same problem?

But, I still watching both account so I can compare if something is more different than in the past. Thanks for link.
i dont think so with tickmill... tickmill regulated better than the blue one :D
but the only problem was the commission 0.4 pips, so we need a longer pips to take the profit.
mister wirianto still testing on tickmill, but haven't got the right tune up for the ea.
yes, you have to keep watching to your account and regularly check the spread if something different happen.. :)
i dont think so with tickmill... tickmill regulated better than the blue one :D
but the only problem was the commission 0.4 pips, so we need a longer pips to take the profit.
mister wirianto still testing on tickmill, but haven't got the right tune up for the ea.
yes, you have to keep watching to your account and regularly check the spread if something different happen.. :)
And where did you get information about OctaFX problem? do you have some link for this info?
mas saya sudah berhasil BT , yang jadi masalah kok trailng Stop atau Take profit tidak ada? sudah profit tetapi tidak ada yang mengunci profit. Dimana settingnya? tidak ada setting Take profit juga akhirnya kena SL
memang sistemnya begitu.
dia bakalan kena SL...
silakan dibaca2 lagi
di akun sy masih normal... pada saat jam 12.04 waktu broker

coba test trading manual.... dengan SL dan TP (lihat hasilnya apakah ada slippage nya)
Mgkn bukan hanya slippage, om...
Jelas ini sdh permainan broker. Dari 12 op, yang positif cuman 2, yang lainnya negatif, melewati sl. pertanyaannya :
Apakah ea nya hrs di ganti nama ketika dijalankan.
Terus registrasi, apakah bisa pake id ktp yang identik sama persis dengan yang pernah kita register sebelumnya..?
Apa hrs ngerubah sedikit nama dalam id tersebut?
iya mas, uda dipasang tapi malah gk ngunci profit atau sama dengan 0 profit pun tidak. Di backtest juga jalan bebas tanpa trailing dan TP, info pke broker FBS EA grownya . Ini td smua merah kcuali yg profit itu di close manual http://prntscr.com/6w1h7y

sudah dibaca dari page awal tentang kondisi max spread dan SL levelnya bli Gede umbara???
lagi pula sy bukan mas mas,sy orang bali juga bli.......
:drunk irish:
Just keep in your mind what reza agus septian told you before your account blew up, and every trade you make will result to negative. Even your stop loss in positive position.... like mine... hahaha...
They will do that. They wont let you win..
You have your own bad experience with OctaFX and live account? Same as Reza?