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Suggestion EA Waygrow - profit konsisten unlimited

klo Robo saya liat di akun saya PRO spread EU rata 1.2-1.5 pip , GU diatas 2 pip ..
kayaknya gak masuk nominasi iini broker
kalau akun lite gimana ya?

Mulai dari tanggal 7 sampai saat ini masih dapat segitu heheheh mohon kalau ada settingan dari temen2 yang pas di share lagi :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
settingan pake spt yang ditemplate....
menurut saya itu yang paling ideal...
jika udah profit.... baru di naikkan risk nya :ok:
laporan broker ICMarkets jalan 2 hari, risk 20%, depo 3000
padahal demo Octa hari ini profit, di ICMarket kemakan komisi :(

Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 5.17.22 PM.png
Which setting of filter do you have? 140? Because I have no trade today with filter 140 TF M1 & OctaFX.
if the filter 140 .... it will rarely OP :) (except when the news was released, there will be a trade)
My suggestion its maximum filter 120 for TF M1 :ok:
laporan broker ICMarkets jalan 2 hari, risk 20%, depo 3000
padahal demo Octa hari ini profit, di ICMarket kemakan komisi :(

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perasaan EA WG.... ngak pake TP nya :D
kecuali EA chantika dan EA MDP.... itu ada TP nya :)
if the filter 140 .... it will rarely OP :) (except when the news was released, there will be a trade)
My suggestion its maximum filter 120 for TF M1 :ok:

perasaan EA WG.... ngak pake TP nya :D
kecuali EA chantika dan EA MDP.... itu ada TP nya :)
buset dari kemarin ane nge-Load Chantika

:hit club:
if the filter 140 .... it will rarely OP :) (except when the news was released, there will be a trade)
My suggestion its maximum filter 120 for TF M1 :ok:

perasaan EA WG.... ngak pake TP nya :D
kecuali EA chantika dan EA MDP.... itu ada TP nya :)

But during news is EA very profitable. During normal day has lot of losses (OctaFX Demo&Real, FOrexStart Demo). So I have been testing to run this EA only during news time. On second chart EU I have Chantika. Last two days is still in loss. I haven't seen profitable day yet with Chantika. have you?
But during news is EA very profitable. During normal day has lot of losses (OctaFX Demo&Real, FOrexStart Demo). So I have been testing to run this EA only during news time. On second chart EU I have Chantika. Last two days is still in loss. I haven't seen profitable day yet with Chantika. have you?

Waygrow more profitable than chantika, i think
I think here is a man in forum who WD money without problem from Octafx.

yes, there are. but soehoe it self say we cann't use octa for bigger target. there was a case when first time i know soehoe, he offered free lecture for mql4 and then make a project called rebate hunter. first wave using Instaforex, and then he add octafx. but as time goes by, project on insta forex has to stop because of a lot of "slip age" on 6th or 7th wave (the first to 5th wave could profit 100%+ a month), while on the octa, on the second wave (or the third, i forgot), the broker won't pay. for further info, https://soehoe.com/ea-rebate-hunter.t49/#post-938 .
Cara Kerja EA Waygrow :
Cara kerja EA nya cukup simpel.. dia akan menunggu momen dimana terjadi pergerakan harga yang relatif lebih cepat dibanding harga-harga yang bergerak sebelumnya. kemudian dia membuka pending order dengan StopLoss yang sangat dekat dengan harga dan dengan trailing yang tipis

1. Pada Broker yang Spread rendah.
Usahakan Spread dibawah 1 pip. Ini penting dan sangat utama, karena EA melakukan Scalping dengan cepat dan SL sangat rendah lebih kurang 3 pips. :)

2. Broker dgn StopLevel yang rendah, setidaknya 3 pips
3, Broker yang benar-benar Allow Scalping tanpa syarat tambahan misalnya syarat waktu
4. Broker yang No Requote dan memiliki delay transaksi yang rendah..
5. Timeframe 1 menit dan 5 menit
6. Pair EU n GU (boleh dicoba di pair laen jg)
7. Pasang di VPS super cepat dengan dedicated RAM, server Eropa. dan Latencynya harus sekecil mungkin.
ijin sedot sam,,,juga ijin makenya...suwon
masih mencari broker yang cocok utk di pasang EA WG :)

apakah aman trading di broker Fbs.?:wasntme:

mohon info yang pernah trading di Fbs :)


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masih mencari broker yang cocok utk di pasang EA WG :)

apakah aman trading broker Fbs.?:wasntme:

mohon info yang pernah trading di Fbs :)
kalau mau spread dibawah 1 pip harus buka akun UNLIMITED dgn minimal depo $500.
kalo akun standar spreadnya diatas 1 semua.

kalo ada dana mending dicoba real disini dari pada di octa :D