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      Suggestion EA Waygrow - profit konsisten unlimited

      individual impossible have contract

      i am not greedy like most people i just want to make only 4 figure balance withdraw and get out not like you said 8 figure target is for big company and research&develepment laboratory who need that much and more so if there broker can accept going from 3 figure to 4 in few month its fine for me i have found good setting with another fast scalper based on volatility with low loss but trade last few second
      i am not greedy like most people i just want to make only 4 figure balance withdraw and get out not like you said 8 figure target is for big company and research&develepment laboratory who need that much and more so if there broker can accept going from 3 figure to 4 in few month its fine for me i have found good setting with another fast scalper based on volatility with low loss but trade last few second

      also you can use of my script

      today i share it

      IB does not work with MT4
      I have tried some utility but it does not give good result
      Do you know of any way to do it?
      Last edited:
      work on real
      put filter to lower and run in real,see how it work
      this model ea 99/9% work on volatility {default setting} and on volatility 99/9% all broker's wide spread and this model {default setting}ea can't work on wide spread and just have loss trade
      so you must have contract with broker or try having different setting at own risk on this ea
      generally forget tp under 2 pip without contract with broker's
      try making setting with tp above 2 pip
      remember: all of broker's are mother f---er:banghead: if they see you are stubborn,they do punished you

      if you have contract with they,so they can't do anything against you
      maybe you know mr He Shuhan
      he make ea for member on another forum and we try to test it with mr He Shuhan, we have bulshit broker{fxtm/fbs/icmarket ....} but he have chf clearing broker
      we have just loss trade but his trade over 90% have win rate,so we ask him what happen for our trading,he say because he have contract with own broker and during major news his broker do not wide spread even 0.1 pip ,but for us always during news spread being 3 pip and more:lipssealed:because we have not any contract with broker and broker doing anything against us so he say to us his broker required 100.000$ for opening account and he paying it and write contract between own and broker
      but he say he start first with manuel trading system and after year's become pro trader
      hope this can help you
      good luck guy's
      Cara Kerja EA Waygrow :
      Cara kerja EA nya cukup simpel.. dia akan menunggu momen dimana terjadi pergerakan harga yang relatif lebih cepat dibanding harga-harga yang bergerak sebelumnya. kemudian dia membuka pending order dengan StopLoss yang sangat dekat dengan harga dan dengan trailing yang tipis

      1. Pada Broker yang Spread rendah.
      Usahakan Spread dibawah 1 pip. Ini penting dan sangat utama, karena EA melakukan Scalping dengan cepat dan SL sangat rendah lebih kurang 3 pips. :)

      2. Broker dgn StopLevel yang rendah, setidaknya 3 pips
      3, Broker yang benar-benar Allow Scalping tanpa syarat tambahan misalnya syarat waktu
      4. Broker yang No Requote dan memiliki delay transaksi yang rendah..
      5. Timeframe 1 menit dan 5 menit
      6. Pair EU n GU (boleh dicoba di pair laen jg)
      7. Pasang di VPS super cepat dengan dedicated RAM, server Eropa. dan Latencynya harus sekecil mungkin.

      Hallo gan, bagaimana setting di properties EA - Common - Safety, apa yang harus dicentang? Allow DLL Import/ Allow import of external expert / Allow modification of signal setting???..mohon petunjuknya..Labih bagus jga kalau ada penjelasan pengertian dari ketiga item di Safetu itu..thx
      [quote uid=15 name="rian_fx" post=4051]Cara Kerja EA Waygrow :<br />Cara kerja EA nya cukup simpel.. dia akan menunggu momen dimana terjadi pergerakan harga yang relatif lebih cepat dibanding harga-harga yang bergerak sebelumnya. kemudian dia membuka pending order dengan StopLoss yang sangat dekat dengan harga dan dengan trailing yang tipis<br /><br /><b>Persyaratan:<br />1. Pada Broker yang Spread rendah.</b> Usahakan Spread dibawah 1 pip. Ini penting dan sangat utama, karena EA melakukan Scalping dengan cepat dan SL sangat rendah lebih kurang 3 pips. :)<br /><br /><b>2. Broker dgn StopLevel yang rendah, setidaknya 3 pips <br />3, Broker yang benar-benar Allow Scalping tanpa syarat tambahan misalnya syarat waktu<br />4. Broker yang No Requote dan memiliki delay transaksi yang rendah..<br />5. Timeframe 1 menit dan 5 menit<br />6. Pair EU n GU (boleh dicoba di pair laen jg)<br />7. Pasang di VPS super cepat dengan dedicated RAM, server Eropa. dan Latencynya harus sekecil mungkin.</b>[/QUOTE]<br /><br />Hallo gan, bagaimana setting di properties EA - Common - Safety, apa yang harus dicentang? Allow DLL Import/ Allow import of external expert / Allow modification of signal setting???..mohon petunjuknya..Labih bagus jga kalau ada penjelasan pengertian dari ketiga item di Safetu itu..thx

      Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
      Thankyou for sharing
      I am ever try use scalping ea but not always profitable
      then leaving ea eventually, now back to manual trading again