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Suggestion EA Waygrow - profit konsisten unlimited

EA ini andalan di octa lek ... sekarang yang pengen ngetes silahkan dicoba broker Noafx ... lumayan spread GU dan EU ...

kalo ente nyoba di akun ecn dengan komisi bisa dipastikan tidak akan sesuai harapan ...
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agan2 yg udah pengalaman pake ea waygrow sy mau tanya kenapa ya,sy ko buka akun rell di ontafx,akun sy ambles sy pake setingan defaul template tf m5 ,apa ada setingan yg salah ato vps nya kurang bagus padahal sy pake vps eropa yg perbulan 169 ribu,apa msh kurng cepet?
noahfx yg ultra g cocok om,sy sdh tes real...spread+komisi jatuhnya rata2 1,2-1,5 pips...klo di demo mah lancar jaya...:D
Another problem is that Noah Ultra account not allowed scalping. I ask them and they said that there is minimal time limit for trade 10sec..Not usable for scalping...
So far i cant get any good results from live trading. I am testing it with standard account and an ECN in
IC Markets. No luck. A couple of trades that closed with low profit in ECN, were just eliminated by the

Can someone please give me a good setup, for live trading ?
(I have tried with tomy's setup, but that failed also)
Cause the ones from back tests that i have used, have nothing to do with reality.
So far i cant get any good results from live trading. I am testing it with standard account and an ECN in
IC Markets. No luck. A couple of trades that closed with low profit in ECN, were just eliminated by the

Can someone please give me a good setup, for live trading ?
(I have tried with tomy's setup, but that failed also)
Cause the ones from back tests that i have used, have nothing to do with reality.

Two days trading with ICmarkts but overall loss to the commission, maybe we need to set the Trailing stop or profit take reduce the comm 7$/lot. if anyone would like to give a setting that it will be nice. Thanks
agan2 yg udah pengalaman pake ea waygrow sy mau tanya kenapa ya,sy ko buka akun rell di ontafx,akun sy ambles sy pake setingan defaul template tf m5 ,apa ada setingan yg salah ato vps nya kurang bagus padahal sy pake vps eropa yg perbulan 169 ribu,apa msh kurng cepet?
baiknya di TF M1... dan untuk masalah vps, coba lihat lantecenya (semakin kecil semakin bagus)

kemungkinan hari ini akan saya infokan beberapa tambahan broker yang spreadnya rendah
baiknya di TF M1... dan untuk masalah vps, coba lihat lantecenya (semakin kecil semakin bagus)

kemungkinan hari ini akan saya infokan beberapa tambahan broker yang spreadnya rendah

Mas rian atau kawan2 di sene kalo ad yg pengen mantau kondisi di ic mark*ts bisa checking di acc saya 333210, pass inv : Darwin, server : live02.

Overall masih kalah, klo settingan pake bawaan mas rian fx, dan pake hidden sl/tp masing2 30.
Can someone please provide a good setup for live trading? Either for standard accounts, or ECN.
I cant get a positive result so far, and i have tried many combinations of setup.
They are keep failing one after another. Thanks.
apa noahfx bisa... bagaimana dengan proses WDnya? sudah dicoba Gan?

Benar Gan, Stop/ limit bisa diakalin tapi slippage agak sulit,,,
hahahhaa sulit pake banget gan kalau masalah slippage, soalnya ada broker yang nakal juga ngasih plugin slippage ini,.. Nggak bisa ngakalinnya :D
Ijin Donlot ya mas.. saya masih new bie nih.. kalau ada settingan yang bisa dibagikan mas...?
Thanks mas