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Ribet sekali dehhh
Ribet sekali dehhh
karena EA Tahan Banting ini hanya support di VPS social VPS, jadi tinggal kita Download saja di VPS nya, setelah itu kita jalankan di MT4/Terminal .Ok gan, terus gimana nih kalo mau jalankan EA TAHAN BANTING ini, apakah harus daftar di vps nya dulu, baru di settings di EA nya gan, apa sudah otomatis langsung bs jalan gan...kalo udah pnya vps...
You can use EURUSD for better pair, but you must ready big equity in outside the trade. Minimum you ready 2x from the equity. When the level up more than 12 level of marti, you can inject money for make your account save.
I think not any one of us know excactly pair that garante not MC. everyone try by them self, for now i just can recommen dont use pair related to GBP.Thanks for your answer, but this does not answer my question. EURUSD is already included in my list.
Yeah that noone can say it for sure is clear, but I just wanted to start communication about it. For example: I am using different GBP pairs, as you see above and I made nearly 200% in the last 2 Month.I think not any one of us know excactly pair that garante not MC. everyone try by them self, for now i just can recommen dont use pair related to GBP.
yes good, please share to us about your strategy with this EA, your deposit, pair, lot, broker etc, or everything. ThanksYeah that noone can say it for sure is clear, but I just wanted to start communication about it. For example: I am using different GBP pairs, as you see above and I made nearly 200% in the last 2 Month.
link vps nya gan, sama thread & review nya dimana gan untuk dibaca2,karena EA Tahan Banting ini hanya support di VPS social VPS, jadi tinggal kita Download saja di VPS nya, setelah itu kita jalankan di MT4/Terminal .
Untuk detailnya lebih spesifik bisa baca baca dulu di Thread dan Review nya.![]()
As written above: EURUD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, EURGBPyes good, please share to us about your strategy with this EA, your deposit, pair, lot, broker etc, or everything. Thanks
last night you don't have a problem about pair GBPUSD and EURGBP? because so many people have MC for this pairAs written above: EURUD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, EURGBP
100 (=10.000) Deposit
0.01 start lot zise, default settings
10.00/4pair survive.. good..As written above: EURUD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, EURGBP
100 (=10.000) Deposit
0.01 start lot zise, default settings
last night you don't have a problem about pair GBPUSD and EURGBP? because so many people have MC for this pair
and you trade 4 pairs in one account?
Kalau saya aman-aman saja ganRibet sekali dehhh
I myself did not feel the impact. Are they MC as a result of this EA, or is it because of their own strategy.last night you don't have a problem about pair GBPUSD and EURGBP? because so many people have MC for this pair
and you trade 4 pairs in one account?
MANTAPKalau saya aman-aman saja gan. Sejauh jika sy ada masalah juga banyak nimba ilmu pada master-master Trader yang ada disini. Membaca dan membaca kemudian sy uji coba untuk melihat hasil dari apa yang telah saya pelajari.
last night you don't have a problem about pair GBPUSD and EURGBP? because so many people have MC for this pair
and you trade 4 pairs in one account?
100$ harus cent jadi10.000, kalau segitu di akun standar ngk cukup, pasti mcGan mohon bantuannya nih udah masuk di menjalankan EA sm cara settingnya EA nya kalo deposito nya 100$ gmn settings nya gan di EA TAHAN BANTING V3.2
Kalo akun nya micro gan gmn nih...bs gak gan...100$ harus cent jadi10.000, kalau segitu di akun standar ngk cukup, pasti mc