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EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

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Hi gimana mau buat lot nya jadi cam gini. 1st lot : 0.02, 0.02,0.02,0.03,0.03,0.04,0.05,0.06,0.07,0.08,0.10,0.11,0.14,0.16
kena ubah setting dekat "UseTargetSL" ya?
maaf para suhu...misal saya mau deposit akun cent $500..cara seting supaya basic lotnya 0,01 gimana ya..soalnya saya coba kok settingannya otomatis terus lotnya..
Wah sekarang sepi nih ya, Hayo ada yg MC gak di EU / GU minggu ini?? hihiihi
Akhirnya setelah validasi tahan banting selama 1 tahun ini, saya membuktikan bahwa emang bener-bener Tahan Banting ini EA dengan pemakaian yang benar!
ini EA gratis, tp buat saya biaya pembelajarannya yg mahal. kl d total bisa kebeli 1 unit CBR 250 gara-gara robot ini :D:D:D
buat yg bingung boleh lah belajar dr pengalaman saya silakan PM aja. tapi boleh lah daftar dulu alat tempurnya pake referral di bawah ini sebagai pelipur lara :giggle:


kata orang kan no pic = Hoax, biar kredibel ane kasi intip dkit salah satu akun cent ane.
Salam Profit Konsisten :giggle:
THX buat para sesepuh yg dlu membimbing saya dan juga tanks buat para suhu yang udah sharing petuah meskipun harus rela bacain 200an pages ke belakang. Sungkem huu,, :*



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Wah sekarang sepi nih ya, Hayo ada yg MC gak di EU / GU minggu ini?? hihiihi
Akhirnya setelah validasi tahan banting selama 1 tahun ini, saya membuktikan bahwa emang bener-bener Tahan Banting ini EA dengan pemakaian yang benar!
ini EA gratis, tp buat saya biaya pembelajarannya yg mahal. kl d total bisa kebeli 1 unit CBR 250 gara-gara robot ini :D:D:D
buat yg bingung boleh lah belajar dr pengalaman saya silakan PM aja. tapi boleh lah daftar dulu alat tempurnya pake referral di bawah ini sebagai pelipur lara :giggle:

masih selamat om,cuma memang minggu kemarin babak belur,boleh donk dibisikin setnya
[QUOTE = "Edgar sanchez arias, post: 452839, member: 77129"] [QUOTE = "hossam elsawy, post: 452215, member: 63540"] Thank you very much sir for the valuable information
one more question please if possible my friend
you said level 25
1000 micro can reach this level. I mean, 1000 is enough to survive at this level.
thank you very much sir [/ QUOTE]
Greetings, if your micro account starts with 0.10 example lots (first purchase 0.10, second purchase 0.10 third purchase 0.20 fourth purchase 0.30 ... etc) you need one thousand dollars ($ 1000.00) for each stop. I recommend (EURUSD; EURJPY; GBPUSD; USDJPY) each account only four pairs, Observation thousand dollars for each pair.

If your micro account starts with 0.01 example lots (first purchase 0.01, second purchase 0.01, third purchase 0.02..etc) you need one hundred dollars ($ 100.00) for each pair, recommended for each account only 4 pairs.
Set level 25, but be aware of at least a few minutes per day, since once I get more than 25 levels, if that happens, wait until you see the market return and increase 2 more levels so that it opens two more operations again. EA and take profit. success to all greetings from Ecuador ..

if 1000 is enough at this level but observation per pair
in the EA change basedEquity put double what you invest very important. [/ QUOTE]
Thank you very much sir
I have very important question and I think most of us want to know the answer
Iow now that i should use 0.01 for each pair for 100$ (10000 cent)
bt in case i have for example 500$ (500000 cent) and i want to use one pair , in this case the lot will be 0.05
My question here, how can I set the settings to open the first trade with 0.05 then 0.07> 0.10 ......
as in photo
Or we need to use 5 pairs with 0.01
I know this answer will be so helpful for most people so please if anyone know the answer help us
thank you in advance
View attachment 134728
try to use lot killer 1.44
maaf para suhu...misal saya mau deposit akun cent $500..cara seting supaya basic lotnya 0,01 gimana ya..soalnya saya coba kok settingannya otomatis terus lotnya..
untuk setting lot Cent,,klo dr broker insta memang akun Cent mulai lot nya 0.1,gk bisa di rubah,ada broker lain akun Cent lotnya bisa mulai 0.01,cuma ku blum tau,
Lha kalo pake vps social,,EA tahan banting setting sdah otomatis dri sono nya
selamat malem, maaf soehoe mau konsultasi ini terkait EA TAHAN BANTING
untuk merubah jarak per order itu gmn ya suhu. sy pake tf 15 jarak opennya terlalu deket. cara merubahnya gmn ya??
trus sy harus setting yg mana?? cz modal 6.900$ ludes tinggal 3.100$ kena floating di XAUUSD.
Waah..rugi banget gk ada order sudah 2 hari. Padahal nih EA begitu auto nya di aktifkan dan EA nya sudah dipasang, langsung OP.