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EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

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Halo Salam Kenal Bang Suhu,, Im Newbe Mohon arahannya saya Pak EA Tahan Banting Penyebab Lotnya Lompat apa Ada yg perlu distel yah Mohon Petunjuk seprti yg terjadi gambar

Hebat ente om, nyoba running EA nya di Gold.. salut :D

kepada pak soehoe. apa yang sudah ku peratikan buat EATB ini. mungkin pak soehoe bisa menambah sedikitt fitur buat keselamatan teman2 sekalian disini. disaat market trend masih bullish sehingga bisa naik 200 - 300 pips. . kebiasaannya pasti market akan membuat pullback yg kecil seperti di timeframe m5 m15 m30. bisa turun sehingga 30 - 40 pips sebelum dia meneruskan trend bullish. di saat ini ku peratikan walaupun broker yg spread nya kecil ya. udah hampir2 mau sampe ke TP tapi gak sampe. sedangkan di saat itu udah profit . kerna gk hit TP maka trend meneruskan bullish dan membuat floating kita terus makin bertambah.

Apa mungkin pak SoeHoe bisa menambah fitur sekiranya udah hampir ke TP tinggal lagi cuman 5 pips aja mau ke TP. bisa di tambahan fitur trailing stop berdekatan sama TP. mungkin 5pips jarak diantara TP sekiranya gak mau turun ke TP terus hit SL. masih profit kan..

Ini apa yang ku peratikan setelah 3 bulan ku pake EATB. masih profit kerna modal ku 500,000.00 cent buat 6 pair yg beda. masih bisa floating sehingga 150,000.00 cents di saat market turun sehingga 250 pips. ditambahan ku monitor manual. di saat market udah mau sampe ke TP tp gk sampe ku close manual.

semoga EATB bisa menerajui sukses sama seperti yg dibilang sama pak SoeHoe EA yang tahan Trend sepanjang apa pun dan Sideways selama apa pun.

Teman2 gimana?

Betul om, kena gocek spread gagal TP eh harga running jauh ikut trend kuatnya bisa berujung MC... mantap jg om pasang 500,000 cent ,pake broker apa tuh om??
6 pair main pair apa aja om? pake starting lot tiap pair brp om kl bole tau?

EUR/JPY hadeh pasti byk yg MC

Hehehe, kl bukan habitatnya emg sulit om d paksa untuk bertahan hidup.. coba tnya yg main d EU dr tgl 1 kmaren, pasti dh pd senyum semua :D
Greetings! Any idea how to disable autolotsize ? I just want to start from 0.01 regardless of capital.


You can setting it from
Based Equity and Initial Deposit.

Based Equity and Intial Deposit depend on your Deposit or Balance or Equity.

After apply(ok) of your modified Based Equity and Initial Deposit, alert window will popup, thats have contain your information about lot size starting from ...
Soehoe, tolongin dong, masih berkutat dengan hit TP nilainya minus, ada yang tp normal sih, tapi, klo minus gini agak gimana gitu, padahal pake setingan default, pake akun cent FBS, adakah setingan buat non aktifkan TPnya biar lebih aman close manual


  • WhatsApp Image 2020-11-10 at 15.43.28 (3).jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2020-11-10 at 15.43.28 (3).jpeg
    82 KB · Views: 329
EA Tahan Banting v 3.2, what is the setting of this EA? Need help plzzz

I'm using default just modify
Based Equity , Initial Deposit and max averaging.

For the the value of Based Equity and Initial Deposit depend from your deposit.

Max average is depend on you.
Max average more greater your risk also more higher and thats no guatantee price will correct until your TP.
I'm using default just modify
Based Equity , Initial Deposit and max averaging.

For the the value of Based Equity and Initial Deposit depend from your deposit.

Max average is depend on you.
Max average more greater your risk also more higher and thats no guatantee price will correct until your TP.

Can I see a screenshot of your EA settings, please?
I'm using default just modify
Based Equity , Initial Deposit and max averaging.

For the the value of Based Equity and Initial Deposit depend from your deposit.

Max average is depend on you.
Max average more greater your risk also more higher and thats no guatantee price will correct until your TP.

Can I see a screenshot of your EA Tahan Banting v 3.2 settings, please?
Soehoe, tolongin dong, masih berkutat dengan hit TP nilainya minus, ada yang tp normal sih, tapi, klo minus gini agak gimana gitu, padahal pake setingan default, pake akun cent FBS, adakah setingan buat non aktifkan TPnya biar lebih aman close manual

Waduwh yg lain dah pada profit ini masih mikirin TP minus
Emg gtu om sistem robotnya, agak gmana tuh maksudnya gmana ya? robot jenis averaging gni emg ada TP minus nya pasti...

Tidak MC, hanya floating blm hit TP. :)

View attachment 126062

Ini campur setir on/off manual apa d lepas tangan om? Hebat ni ketahanan modalnyaa pastii
This message appears after loading the EA into the chart, I downloaded it from the socialvps network. What is the problem here? Need help, plz


  • EA Tahan Banting v 3.2.jpg
    EA Tahan Banting v 3.2.jpg
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[QUOTE = "Budyawan, post: 429556, member: 86248"] [/ QUOTE]
This message appears after loading the EA into the chart, I downloaded it from the socialvps network. What is the problem here? Need help, plz


  • EA Tahan Banting v 3.2.jpg
    EA Tahan Banting v 3.2.jpg
    110.4 KB · Views: 306
mas joni, itu EJ tahan 300 pips baru naik level 15 ya kalau g salah saya,,?apakah sudah pernah tembus level 20..?kalau boleh tau udah berapa lama pakai Ea ini om ..?kebeteluan saya sedang pakai juga, tapi eurusd, belum berani ke pair lainnya, modalnya cuma 30.000 cent, takutnya g kuat.,,

Utk EJ pernah sampai level 18
Utk EU pernah sampai level 16

Pake TB sdh sejak setahunan. Tapi akun yg ini baru sejak Juni 20.
Modal 30.000 utk EJ, 20.000 utk EU.
Skrg sy Batasi level sampai 15 aja.

Disclaimer ON: ini hanya CARA SAYA, bukan ajakan/saran utk diikuti
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[QUOTE = "Budyawan, post: 429556, member: 86248"] [/ QUOTE]
This message appears after loading the EA into the chart, I downloaded it from the socialvps network. What is the problem here? Need help, plz

Thats nor problem just used it, thats information about redownload because of you are not using socialvps as a vps.